An early look at what hot reloading might look like in the ember ecosystem
ember install ember-cli-hot-loader
During installation Ember CLI will prompt you to update the resolver code. This is required for ember-cli-hot-loader to work.
If you have never modified the resolver, you can simply accept the changes or do a diff and update it manually.
The final code should look something like:
import Resolver from 'ember-resolver';
import HotReloadMixin from 'ember-cli-hot-loader/mixins/hot-reload-resolver';
export default Resolver.extend(HotReloadMixin);
How to use this addon
After installing it, simply run ember serve
as usual, any changes you do to supported types, will result in a hotreload (no brower refresh).
Any additional changes will result in a regular liveReload.
Example application
An example application that hot reloads styles/components/reducers
Configurations and Supported Types
- ember-cli will hot reload styles for you when using ember-cli 2.3+
- ember-cli-hot-loader will hot reload component JS/HBS changes
- to hot reload another file type, such as reducers you need to first enable it:
ENV['ember-cli-hot-loader'] = {
supportedTypes: ['components', 'reducers']
Next write a service that will respond to the events willLiveReload
and willHotReload
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
const getReducerModule = function(modulePath, modulePrefix) {
const fileNamePattern = new RegExp('(.*)/app/reducers/(.*)');
const match = fileNamePattern.exec(modulePath);
if (match && match.length === 3) {
const reducer = match[2].replace('.js', '');
return `${modulePrefix}/reducers/${reducer}`;
export default Service.extend(Evented, {
redux: service(),
init () {
this.on('willLiveReload', this, 'confirmLiveReload');
this.on('willHotReload', this, 'attemptLiveReload');
const factory = getOwner(this).factoryFor('config:environment');
this.modulePrefix = factory.class.modulePrefix;
confirmLiveReload(event) {
const module = getReducerModule(event.modulePath, this.modulePrefix);
if (module) {
event.cancel = true;
attemptLiveReload(modulePath) {
const module = getReducerModule(modulePath, this.modulePrefix);
if (module) {
const redux = get(this, 'redux');
const hotReloadedReducer = window.require(module);
todos: hotReloadedReducer['default']