Ember Gestures
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Gesture and Mobile support for Ambitious Ember Applications.
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ember install ember-gestures
Fastclick via touch-action CSS and the Hammer-time Polyfill
All components available via ember-gestures
have a style
attribute set to touch-action: manipulation; -ms-touch-action: manipulation
All link-components
and elements with actions on them are modified to also have this style attribute.
Components available by default include context-element
, fast-action
, and fast-async
uses hammer-time as a polyfill for touch-action
to enable cross-platform fastclick
. This polyfill works based on the presence of style="touch-action: <foo>;"
being present on an element.
Gestures via HammerJS
When you run the default blueprint (runs by default when you do ember install
or by ember g ember-gestures
this addon will install HammerJS 2.1.x.
HammerJS 2.0.5 and 2.1.x have not been released yet but contain bug fixes essential for this to work,
specifically fixes for configs leaking between manager instances. To install hammer, bower install this branch
while this warning persists:
bower install --save runspired/hammer.js#develop
The addon wires HammerJS into your app as a global (Hammer), and provides various means by which to use HammerJS
in your app. All manager instances created by this addon will emit domEvents, which Ember has been configured to
utilize. This means that using Hammer with Ember is just like using any other event with ember, you add event
handlers to your components.
For example
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
export default Component.extend({
panStart(e) {
... do something with the event ...
Hammer 2.1.x doesn't exist yet ;) This repo is using a branch that will become Hammer 2.1.x in order to take
advantage of several bugfixes that will be in the upcoming 2.0.5 release and a new eventing option available in
the 2.1.0 release.
In the Box
In addition to the basic hammer functionality present in the box, ember-gestures comes with several blueprints for advanced usage which you can install separately.
Custom Recognizers.
Additional Recognizers.
Using Hammer Globally
Event Delegation
Components to help you get started.
Sometimes smaller buttons or critical buttons need a larger capture area than their visible area.
You can increase the area that recognizes touch events for a specific button
Writing Tests
Ensuring a manager is configured correctly.
Using the triggerGesture helper.
Using the trigger helper.
Important The jQuery events you need to trigger are the Hammer variant, meaning it is entirely lowercase swiperight
, panup
Tips and Tricks
Don't bind within {{#each}}
, use a base recognizer instead.