Ember GSAP
Ember GSAP allows consumption of GSAP - Greensock Animation Platform as ES6 Module imports in Ember applications.
ember install ember-gsap
Check out this Ember Twiddle demo to show Ember GSAP in action.
Ember GSAP by default includes TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineLite, TimelineMax, CSSPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, BezierPlugin, AttrPlugin, DirectionalRotationPlugin, and all of the eases like Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Linear, Sine, RoughEase, SlowMo, SteppedEase, etc.
Recommended import style is as follows:
import { TimelineMax, TweenMax, easing } from 'gsap';
const { Power2, Back, Elastic } = easing;
Easing functions can also be directly imported like so:
import { Power2, Back, Elastic } from 'gsap/easing';
GSAP Plugins
Popular Greensock Plugin libraries can be included like so:
ENV['ember-gsap'] = {
plugins: [
The following plugins can be included:
import { Draggable } from 'gsap';