Kick off your next Ember app the right way with a set of addons, bower packages, helpers, and misc files curated by echobind.
First, install the addon:
ember install ember-headstart
Then get your app started using our curated defaults (or provide your own):
ember headstart
ember headstart --autoinstall
ember headstart --config=/your/file --autoinstall
To provide your own config, copy lib/resources/.headstart
and provide it via the config
What's included in the deault headstart?
Ember Addons:
- ember-cli-autoprefixer
- ember-cli-sass
- ember-simple-auth
- ember-cli-mirage
- ember-suave
- liquid-fire
- ember-truth-helpers
- ember-moment
- ember-modal-dialog
Additional Bower packages:
- jquery 2.1.4
- foundation-sites
- circle.yml preconfigured with phantomjs 2.0