Ember Light Table
A lightweight contextual component based table addon that follows Ember's actions up, data down ideology.
- Custom component based column headers and cells
- Infinite scroll support
- Select & Multi-select
- Grouped columns
- Expandable rows
- Easy table manipulation
- Easy override to table header and footer
- Contextual component for header, body, and footer, as well as loading, no data, and expanded row
ember install ember-light-table
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If it is a bug please open an issue on GitHub.
There are two parts to this addon. The first is the Table which you create with column definitions and rows, and the second is the component declaration.
Table Declaration
The Table
constructor accepts an array of Columns
or column options and an array of rows.
import Table from 'ember-light-table';
const table = new Table(columns, rows);
Here is a more real-word example
import Ember from 'ember';
import Table from 'ember-light-table';
const computed = Ember.computed;
export default Ember.Component.extend({
model: null,
table: null,
columns: computed(function() {
return [{
label: 'Avatar',
valuePath: 'avatar',
width: '60px',
sortable: false,
cellComponent: 'user-avatar'
}, {
label: 'First Name',
valuePath: 'firstName',
width: '150px'
}, {
label: 'Last Name',
valuePath: 'lastName',
width: '150px'
}, {
label: 'Address',
valuePath: 'address'
}, {
label: 'State',
valuePath: 'state'
}, {
label: 'Country',
valuePath: 'country'
init() {
this.set('table', new Table(this.get('columns'), this.get('model')));
For a list of possible column options, please checkout out the docs.
Component Declaration
Now that we have our table
, we can declare our component in our template.
{{#light-table table as |t|}}
{{#t.body as |body|}}
{{#body.expanded-row as |row|}}
Hello <b>{{row.firstName}}</b>
{{#if isLoading}}
{{#if table.isEmpty}}
No users found.
Please note that each of these contextual components have a wide array of options so it is advised to look through the documentation.