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Sortable UI primitives for Ember.
![ember-sortable in action](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jgwhite/ember-sortable/master/demo.gif)
Check out the demo
Version 1.0 depends upon the availability of 2D CSS transforms.
Check the matrix on caniuse.com
to see if your target browsers are compatible.
$ ember install ember-sortable
{{! app/templates/my-route.hbs }}
{{#sortable-group tagName="ul" onChange="reorderItems" as |group|}}
{{#each model.items as |item|}}
{{#sortable-item tagName="li" model=item group=group handle=".handle"}}
<span class="handle">↕</span>
actions: {
reorderItems(newOrder) {
this.set('currentModel.items', newOrder);
Notes on Usage
No data is mutated by sortable-group
or sortable-item
. In the spirit of “data down, actions up”, a fresh array containing the models from each item in their new order is sent via the group’s onChange
yields itself to the block so that it may be assigned explicitly to each item’s group
property. While it would be technically possible to automatically discover the parent group, we feel establishing this relationship explicitly is clearer. Feedback welcome.
Each item takes a model
property. This should be fairly self-explanatory but it’s important to note that it doesn’t do anything with this object besides keeping a reference for later use in onChange
Sortable items can be in one of three states: default, dragging, dropping.
The classes look like this:
<li class="sortable-item">...</li>
<li class="sortable-item is-dragging">...</li>
<li class="sortable-item is-dropping">...</li>
In our example app.css we apply a
transition of .125s
in the default case:
.sortable-item {
transition: all .125s;
While an item is dragging we want it to move pixel-for-pixel with the
user’s mouse so we bring the transition duration to 0. We also give
it a highlight color and bring it to the top of the stack:
.sortable-item.is-dragging {
transition-duration: 0s;
background: red;
z-index: 10;
While dropping, the is-dragging
class is removed and the item returns to its default transition duration. If we wanted to apply a
different duration we could do so with the is-dropping
class. In
our example we opt to simply maintain the z-index and apply a
slightly different colour:
.sortable-item.is-dropping {
background: #f66;
z-index: 10;
$ git clone git@github.com:jgwhite/ember-sortable
$ cd ember-sortable
$ ember install
Dev Server
$ ember serve
Running Tests
$ ember test
Publishing Demo
$ make demo