Very, very, very light and minimal feature wrapper over youtube api/v3 (which I would not pay to use).
Ships with the following 3 models and associated adapters, serializers, and transform:
# youtube/channel
YoutubeChannel = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr "string"
description: DS.attr "string"
thumbnails: DS.attr "thumbnails"
publishedAt: DS.attr "date"
uploadId: DS.attr "string"
uploads: Ember.computed "uploadId", -> # your upload playlist
return if Ember.isBlank @get "uploadId"
@store.find "youtube/playlist", @get("uploadId")
TODO: add more generalized playlists to channel
# youtube/playlist
YoutubePlaylist = DS.Model.extend
videos: DS.hasMany "youtube/video", embedded: true
# youtube/video
YoutubeVideo = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr "string"
description: DS.attr "string"
thumbnails: DS.attr "thumbnails"
position: DS.attr "number"
publishedAt: DS.attr "date"
You'll need to setup your own API key onto the YoutubeAdapter, I will probably provide a blueprint installer to do this sometime in future, but I'm already sick and tired of working on youtube's horseshit api, so will put that off for another day. For now, probably write your own initializer and reopen the YoutubeAdapter to include something like:
key: 'ajfslasjdfoajsdlfjalsdkfjlkasdf'
After that, things should work, and you should be able to do things like:
chan = store.find "youtube/channel", "teamcoco" # finds you Conan O'Brien's channel
chan.get("uploads.videos") # gets you the videos
TODO: add pagination to hasMany to get more than 5 videos (lol)
git clone
this repositorynpm install
bower install
Running Tests
ember test
ember test --server
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