Support for offline publishing and subscribing events
import { Emitter } from "emitter-master"
Emitter.sender("A<->B", 123)
const ret = await Emitter.receiver("A<->B" )
const clear = Emitter.receiver("A<->B",function(val){
const ret2 = await Emitter.receiver("A->B", default_value)
function handle({event_name, data}){
if(event_name === "A->B"){
}else if(event_name === "B->C"){
const clear = Emitter.receiver(["A->B", "B->C"], handle)
Emitter.clear(["A->B", "B->C"], handle)
Here's how I recommend writing it
const clear = Emitter.receiver( [ "A->B", "B->C" ], function ( { event_name, data } )
if(event_name === "A->B")
else if(event_name === "B->C")
} );
sender has an alias called trigger
receiver has an alias called listener
once indicates that the system listens only once
You can choose a more appropriate name based on your scene
Recommendation specifications in vue and react
The first thing to be clear is that the library is not framework-related, but many front ends now use vue and react to build websites, so here is my recommendation
**Suggestion 1:**Define the event_name.ts file to store the event name. This file only defines the event name and the comment of the event name. Note that each event name must have A comment, otherwise it is meaningless. The form 'A<->B' indicates that A and B send data to each other. Here is an example
const CompA_CompB = "CompA->CompB"
export {
Suggestion 2: For non-component-to-component communication that still explicitly specifies the source and destination, such as when I send to component CompA in Axios encapsulation, I can name it:Axios->CompA
**Suggestion 3:**Remember to clear events before the component unmount
An example of use in vue3 is given below
<script lang="ts" setup>
const clear = Emitter.receiver( "A->B", function ( data )
console.log( data );
} );
// This is necessary.
onBeforeUnmount( clear );
import {Emitter} from "emitter-master"
Emitter.sender( "a-b" , true);
( async function ()
const ret = await Emitter.receiver( "a-b" );
console.log( ret );
} )();