English Parse
English language syntactic dependency parser.
This project is in a very early stage, it's rather an experiment than a real a project.
Using it in production may hurt your feelings.
Installation and Usage
npm i --save en-parse
const parser = require("en-parse").default;
var tokens = ["The", "problem", "is", "that", "this", "has", "never", "been", "tried", "."];
var tags = ["DT","NN","VBZ","IN","DT","VBZ","RB","VBN","VBD","PUNCT"];
let parsed = parser(["PRP","VBP","TO","VBP"],["i","like","to","parse"]);
tokens should be normalized (contractions, abbreviations and such all resolved to it's normal form).
The parsed
variable is now an array like this one:
"label": "MWE",
"type": "NP",
"master": 1
"label": "NSUBJ",
"type": "NP",
"master": 2
"label": "ROOT",
"type": "VP",
"master": -1
"label": "COMPMARK",
"type": "PP",
"master": 5
"label": "NSUBJ",
"type": "NP",
"master": 5
"label": "XCOMP",
"type": "VP",
"master": 2
"label": "ADVMOD",
"type": "ADV",
"master": 8
"label": "AUX",
"type": "VBN",
"master": 8
"label": "ADVCL",
"type": "VP",
"master": 5
"label": "PUNCT",
"type": "PUNCT",
"master": 2
Annotation Specs:
Core Nominal Arguments
Annotation | Name | Example |
NSUBJ | Nominal Subject | I like you |
DOBJ | Direct Object | I like you |
IOBJ | Indirect Object | she gave me a book |
NSUBJPASS | Nominal Subject (passive) | I have been given a chance |
CCOMP | Clausal Complement | The boss ordered to dig the hole |
XCOMP | Open Clausal Complement | The boss told us to dig |
OBL | Oblique Object | Give the toys to the children |
EXPL | Expletive | I have been there |
ADVCL | Adverb Clause Modifier | We were walking as the rain was falling |
ADVMOD | Adverbial modifier | I don't eat genetically modified food. |
DISCOURSE | Discourse | I like that :) |
VPRT | Verbal Particle | I switched the TV off |
AUX | Auxiliary | I am going to buy a new computer |
AUXPASS | Auxiliary (passive) | I have been marked |
COMPMARK | Complement Marker | I will do it if I like it |
ADVMARK | Adverb Marker | I did it after I was convinced |
NOMD | Nominal Modifier | MSNBC news had little effect on the market |
NUMMOD | Numeric Modifier | I ate 2 eggs this morning |
ACL | Clausal Modifier of a Noun | I saw the man you love |
AMOD | Adjectival Modifier | you were good to him |
DET | Determiner | which book you prefer? |
CASE | Case Marking | I went to Rachel |
PUNCT | Punctuation | Guys, keep calm! |
CC | Coordinating Conjunction | Mathew and Alex |
INTERJ | Interjection | Pass me the sugar, please |
DEP | Unrecognized dependency | how what |
- Current solutions uses statistical machine learning models which makes it 5 times slower (if not worse) than a rule based implementation like this one.
- This is a javascript implementation, so it can be used for an in-browser natural language processing.
- Also because it's written in javascript it might be preferred in smart bots to reduce the complexity of having your bot written in node.js and the natural language processor written in Python or C++.
The idea of this parser was originally featured as a small experiment in Xav Ulflander's Compendium.