Jaakrecog Enroll©
Component developed to enroll users
- Get permission to access the camera
- Video Capture modal
- Enroll Capture Component
Jaakrecog Enroll© Component is an isolated component of Angular that is easy to integrate that allows you to registry a user with facial recognition, which was developed by JAAK-IT.
Technologies used for the development of this library:
- Angular
- Scss
- Typescript
- Rxjs
- Angular Material
Jaakrecog Enroll requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the package:
npm install enroll-jaakrecog
Update Assets configuration on angular.json file. Just add this line to assets array:
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "./node_modules/enroll-jaakrecog/assets", "output": "/assets" }
This is an example:
"options": {
... ,
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "./node_modules/enroll-jaakrecog/assets", "output": "/assets" }
Import EnrollModule inside app.module.ts file and add the api path that you are goig to use (optional) the value as default is: 'https://dev-facade-1ton-http-635t26xtnq-uc.a.run.app/api/v1/one2n/enroll/'.
apiUrl: 'https://dev-facade-1ton-http-635t26xtnq-uc.a.run.app/api/v1/one2n/enroll/',
userData: Object<any>;
accessToken: string;
use userData input to pass the info to registry, for example:
userData = {
name: string,
email: string,
use accessToken to send request to the JAAKRECOG server
To get the response of the process you have to use the output (getResponse) inside of component tag.
The response of this promise would be a class named OneToNEnroll
class OneToNEnroll {
id!: string;
status!: boolean;
enrolling!: boolean;
message!: string;
error!: string;
processTime!: number;
We can get an error and it will return an error of type ErrorResponse
class ErrorResponse {
type!: string;
message!: string;
Use the selector inside of your html file to use the component, the input uses is a require.
<jaakrecog-enroll [accessToken]="your_TOKEN" [userData]="your_object_user" (getResponse)="yourFunction($event)"></jaakrecog-enroll>
Contact support@jaak-it.com for any kind of assistance.
** All rights reserved JAAK-IT 2021 ©**