Show authorname on hover
Hover over an author to see their name
Other functionality
Shows the author color on hover
Supports fast switching between hovers (Doesn't depend on native browser support)
Disable/enable author hover locally in your browser
This plugin adds a new switch called Show Author on Hover to the settings menu. This allows you to disable/enable the display of author names on hover in your browser.
Disable author hover by default for all clients
To don't show the author names on hover by default (the user has to activate in manually), add the following to your setting.json
"ep_author_hover": {
"disabledByDefault": true
Why did I rewrite this?
I don't really like plugins that depdend on manipulating the ACE inner DOM, rewriting this plugin and using events meant I could still have hover functionality without the risk of running into nasty ACE issues down the line. It also meant that as new authors joined and updated their name I could update hte hovers in real time. Previous attempts at writing this plugin have required a browser refresh to know who authors are, that wasn't good enough for me.
- use JQTip
- Your ideas here..
- Test in IE
- Settings for font size/background color switch
- Your sponsorship here..