Click button to calculate the Flesch readability index
There'll be a button which calculates and displays the Flesch redability index.
Calculating is triggered by entering !, ?, RETURN or BACKSPACE. Or by pushing the button.
The button shows a tooltip, which provides additional information.
Short sentences and words with only a few syllables ensure the readability of a text.
The original Flesch index is calculated for the English language. The Amstad index is calculated for the German language.
- -1000: Dissertation, red
- 10: Officialese, red
- 20: AmbitiousNewspaper, orange
- 35: AverageNewspaper, yellow
- 50: YellowPress, green
- 60: SalesLetter, green
- 80: Slogan, green
- 90: Comic, green
A demonstration can be found here:
On the command line, run npm install ep_readability
Alternatively, browse to http://yourEtherpadliteInstan.ce/admin/plugins
, search for readability
and click install.
After restarting the server, the plugin takes effect.
Other Resources
Some code of the TextStatistics package is being used.
TextStatistics.js, Christopher Giffard (2012)