Click button to calculate the Flesch readability index
There'll be a button which calculates and displays the Flesch redability index.
Calculation of the Flesch index is triggered by entering !, ?, RETURN or BACKSPACE. Or by pushing the button.
The button shows a tooltip, which provides additional information.
Short sentences and words with only a few syllables ensure the readability of a text.
Calculation details
The original Flesch index is calculated for all languages. German umlauts are replaced (ä = a, ß = ss...).
Numbers are counted as a single syllable (1000,56 = one syllable).
Links are counted as a single syllable (http://aaa-bbb.bla?foo=bar = one syllable).
Readability scale
- -1000: Dissertation, red
- 10: Officialese, red
- 20: AmbitiousNewspaper, orange
- 35: AverageNewspaper, yellow
- 50: YellowPress, green
- 60: SalesLetter, green
- 80: Slogan, green
- 90: Comic, green
A demonstration can be found here:
On the command line, run npm install ep_readability
Alternatively, browse to http://yourEtherpadliteInstan.ce/admin/plugins
, search for readability
and click install.
After restarting the server, the plugin takes effect.
Other Resources
Some code of the TextStatistics package is being used.
TextStatistics.js, Christopher Giffard (2012)