EquiblesStocks.ExchangesApi | currencies | GET /stocks/exchanges/currencies | Get the list of all the currencies supported by this API. |
EquiblesStocks.ExchangesApi | list | GET /stocks/exchanges/list | Get the list of all the exchanges supported by this API. |
EquiblesStocks.ExchangesApi | stocks | GET /stocks/exchanges/stocks | Get all the stocks for a given exchange. |
EquiblesStocks.FundamentalsApi | dividends | GET /stocks/fundamentals/dividends | Get the dividends for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.FundamentalsApi | financialReports | GET /stocks/fundamentals/financialreports | Get the financial statements for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.MetricsApi | priceToEarnings | GET /stocks/metrics/pricetoearnings | Get the price to earnings ratio over time for this stock. |
EquiblesStocks.NewsApi | list | GET /stocks/news/list | Get the latest news for this stock. |
EquiblesStocks.NewsApi | publishers | GET /stocks/news/publishers | Get all the available news publishers. |
EquiblesStocks.PerformanceApi | list | GET /stocks/performance/list | Lists the performance for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.PricesApi | endOfDay | GET /stocks/prices/endofday | Lists the end of day prices for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.SectorsApi | list | GET /stocks/sectors/list | Lists all the sectors. |
EquiblesStocks.SectorsApi | searchStocks | GET /stocks/sectors/searchstocks | Lists and the stock in a given sector/industry. |
EquiblesStocks.StocksApi | list | GET /stocks/list | Get a list of all the available stocks. |
EquiblesStocks.StocksApi | officers | GET /stocks/officers | Get the officers of the company. |
EquiblesStocks.StocksApi | profile | GET /stocks/profile | The profile of this stock. |
EquiblesStocks.StocksApi | search | GET /stocks/search | Search among all the available stocks. |
EquiblesStocks.StocksApi | splits | GET /stocks/splits | Get all the splits for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.TransactionsApi | insiders | GET /stocks/transactions/insiders | Lists the insider transactions for a given stock. |
EquiblesStocks.TransactionsApi | institutional | GET /stocks/transactions/institutional | Lists the institutional transactions for a given stock. |