[ES] DSN proxy
Similar to: http://github.com/payfit/dsn-proxy
This service listen messages from a channel NSQ: declaration-generated
These messages (containing declaration ids) are processed following these steps:
- A call is made to app.payfit.com to get the declaration from its id
- This declaration's json field is transformed into XML
- This XML is ran by IRPF's java module (provided by Spain government)
- This module outputs a new XML that is read/transformed into JSON
- This JSON is used to update corresponding Jetlang's variables, by calling app.payfit.com
- In case of error: the declaration's json field is updated
You have two choices to run this project:
- Use docker
- Install dependencies locally
Docker (easy)
Run docker-compose up --build
The app will be available on port 3220
Install the JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
Install dependencies: npm i
Run the app: npm run dev
POST /getRawDocument
"identifier": "parent",
"values": [
"identifier": "children1",
"value": "..."
"identifier": "children2",
"values": [
POST /validate
"declarationId": "a declaration id in string format" // Example: "5a68a92dbb29d4022433e4db"
The submitted JSON must respect the following structure:
"identifier": "parent",
"values": [
"identifier": "children1",
"value": "..."
"identifier": "children2",
"values": [
It must have a parent, and can have an inifinite number of children / nesting levels.