Earnest's ESLint config for ES7
Install the following "devDependencies"
in your repo:
npm install eslint-config-earnest-es7@latest babel-core babel-cli babel-eslint babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-3 eslint eslint-plugin-babel --save-dev
Add a root level .eslintrc
that references this package
echo '{ "extends": "earnest-es7" }' > .eslintrc
Add another .eslintrc
to your test
folder that supports mocha
echo '{\n\s\s"extends": "earnest-es7"\n}' > test/.eslintrc
(Recommended) Add the following entries to your package.json
for simplified CLI access to linting:
"scripts": {
"lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint .",
"lint-changed": "git diff --name-only --cached --relative | grep '\\.js$' | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/eslint"
(Recommended) Setup your editor to support inline ESLint support. For Sublime Text, that means npm install -g eslint
then installing SublimeLinter
and SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint
packages. For Vim, use Syntastic.
Linting this Repository
In order to run linting against this repository, you must create a self-referential link to this module:
npm install
npm link
npm link eslint-config-earnest-es7
npm run lint