AngularJS Security Rules For ESLint
These rules are to supplement the security issues documented in my talks at OWASP London and FluentConf around AngularJS Security.
The current ruleset supports only Angular 1.x issues, and can be noisy, but they are a work in progress.
Current rules are:
- detect-angular-element-methods
- detect-angular-open-redirect
- detect-angular-orderBy-expressions
- detect-angular-resource-loading
- detect-angular-sce-disabled
- detect-angular-scope-expressions
- detect-angular-service-expressions
- detect-angular-trustAs-methods
- detect-third-party-angular-translate
- Each rule needs better detection, and possibly taint analysis
- Add more rules related to Angular 1.0 - 5 in mind.
- Add Angular 2/4 security issues such as bypassSecurityTrustHtml
If you feel anything is missing or would like to see additional rules added, feel free to write an issue