arrow-parens | Requires parentheses around arrow function arguments | 🟠 | 🟢 |
brace-style | Enforces one true brace style for blocks | 🟠 | 🟢 |
comma-dangle | Disallows trailing commas | 🟠 | 🟢 |
comma-style | Requires a comma after and on the same line | 🟠 | 🟢 |
curly | Ensures block statements are always wrapped in curly braces | 🟠 | 🟢 |
computed-property-spacing | Disallows spaces inside computed property brackets | | 🟢 |
default-param-last | Enforces default parameters to be last | 🟠 | 🟢 |
default-case-last | Enforces default clauses in switch statements to be last | 🟠 | 🟢 |
dot-notation | Enforces dot notation instead of square-bracket notation | 🟠 | 🟢 |
eqeqeq | Requires the use of === and !== | 🟠 | 🟢 |
eol-last | Requires newline at the end of files | 🟠 | 🟢 |
indent | Enforces 2-space indentation, and specific indentation levels for some nodes | 🟠 | 🟢 |
for-direction | Prevents for-loops to have stop condition that can never be reached | 🟠 | 🟢 |
key-spacing | Enforces consistent spacing in object literal properties (no space between the key and the colon, one space between the colon and the value) | | 🟢 |
linebreak-style | Enforces Unix-style line endings | 🟠 | 🟢 |
max-len | Enforces a maximum line length of 80 characters | 🟠 | |
newline-per-chained-call | Requires a newline after each call in a method chain | | 🟢 |
no-console | Disallows the use of console | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-debugger | Disallows the use of debugger | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-eval | Disallows the use of eval | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-magic-numbers | Disallows magic numbers (except the ones in the context of array indexes and in default value assignments) | 🟠 | |
no-multi-str | Disallows multiline strings | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-multiple-empty-lines | Allows a maximum of 1 consecutive empty lines | | 🟢 |
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs | Disallows mixed spaces and tabs for indentation | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-restricted-syntax | Enforces switch case 's content to be enclosed in braces | | 🟢 |
no-tabs | Disallows tabs | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-trailing-spaces | Disallows trailing whitespace at the end of lines | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-undef | Disallows use of undeclared variables | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-unused-vars | Disallows unused variables | 🟠 | 🟢 |
no-unsafe-optional-chaining | Disallows use of optional chaining in contexts where the undefined value is not allowed | 🟠 | 🟢 |
object-curly-newline | Requires line breaks after opening and before closing braces | 🟠 | 🟢 |
object-curly-spacing | Requires spacing inside of braces | 🟠 | 🟢 |
padded-blocks | Disallows empty lines at the beginning and ending of blocks | 🟠 | 🟢 |
padding-line-between-statements | Requires padding lines between various statements | 🟠 | 🟢 |
prefer-arrow-callback | Requires using arrow functions for callbacks | | 🟢 |
quotes | Enforces the consistent use of double quotes (while allowing single quotes in order to avoid escape, and backticks for template literals) | 🟠 | 🟢 |
quote-props | Disallows quotes around object literal property names that are not strictly required | 🟠 | 🟢 |
semi | Requires semicolons at the end of statements | 🟠 | 🟢 |
semi-style | Enforces that semicolons are at the end of statements | 🟠 | 🟢 |
semi-spacing | Disallows space before semicolons, enforces spaces after | | 🟢 |
space-before-blocks | Enforces consistent spacing before blocks | 🟠 | 🟢 |
space-in-parens | Enforces zero spaces inside of parentheses | 🟠 | 🟢 |