Ember Best Practices
![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/eslint-plugin-ember-best-practices.svg)
This adds more guard rails for Ember. Just because something "works" does not mean it is correct or in line with the framework's programming model. These footguns include:
- Not adhering to Data Down Actions Up
- Side-effect programming
- Usage of observers
- Usage of attrs.*
- Computed properties without dependent keys
As we've scaled out to over hundreds developers and thousands of lines of code it has become clear that more "development time" guidance is required. While the guides do a good job about getting started, it's good to have some friction to make sure the app code is aligned with how Ember works.
Using the plugin with Ember CLI
Install the plugin as a dev dependency in your Ember CLI project.
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-ember-best-practices
This will make the plugin available to ESLint.
Next, install the ember-cli-eslint addon so that your app can be linted during development and testing. This will also uninstall ember-cli-jshint since there is no need to have both linters running at the same time.
ember install ember-cli-eslint
The ember-cli-eslint
addon blueprint generates a .eslintrc.js configuration file at the root of the project.
Add the plugin's recommended configuration to the list of extensions:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...
extends: [
rules: {