Disallows code that will transpile into use of regenerator.
If you don't want async/await and generators to be transpiled into use of regenerator-runtime then use this rule.
$ pnpm add -D eslint-plugin-no-async
$ yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-no-async
$ npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-no-async
In Flat Configuration (9+):
import noAsync from "eslint-plugin-no-async";
export default [{
"plugins": {
"no-async": noAsync,
"rules": {
"no-async/no-async": [2],
In .eslintrc(.js) (Before 9):
"no-async/no-async": [2]
# with allowGenerators:
"no-async/no-async": [2, true]
async function myFunction() {}
const myArrowFunction = async () => {}
function * myGeneratorFunction() { }
class MyClass {
async myFunction() { }
All of the examples in the code above will result in the use of regenerator after babel transpiled it.
"no-async/no-async": [<level>, <allowGenerators>]
allowGenerators In case you wish to allow generator functions, set this to true. (default: false)