What is eslint-plugin-unicorn?
The eslint-plugin-unicorn package is a set of ESLint rules that aim to improve code quality by enforcing best practices, preventing common mistakes, and suggesting modern syntax and methods. It includes a variety of rules that are not covered by the core ESLint rules or other plugins, focusing on code enhancements and consistency.
What are eslint-plugin-unicorn's main functionalities?
Filename Case
Enforces a specific case for filenames, which can be configured to be kebab-case, camelCase, or snake_case. This helps maintain consistency in the naming of files across a project.
"unicorn/filename-case": ["error", {"case": "kebabCase"}]
Number Literal Case
Enforces lowercase identifier and uppercase value for number literals, improving readability and consistency in the code.
"unicorn/number-literal-case": "error"
Prevent Abbreviations
Discourages the use of abbreviations in variable names, function names, and other identifiers to improve code clarity and readability.
"unicorn/prevent-abbreviations": ["error", {"replacements": {"temp": false, "err": {"error": true}}}]
Better Regex
Suggests simpler and more optimized regular expressions to improve performance and readability.
"unicorn/better-regex": "error"
Consistent Function Scoping
Enforces that functions are defined at the highest possible level, which can help with readability and reduce the complexity of nested functions.
"unicorn/consistent-function-scoping": "error"
Other packages similar to eslint-plugin-unicorn
This plugin provides linting rules related to ES2015+ import/export syntax, helping to ensure proper import order, naming, and file path correctness. It is similar to eslint-plugin-unicorn in that it enforces best practices, but it focuses specifically on module import and export issues.
This plugin enforces best practices for JavaScript promises. It is similar to eslint-plugin-unicorn in its goal to improve code quality, but it focuses specifically on the use of promises and asynchronous code.
This plugin checks JSX code for accessibility issues, ensuring that web applications are accessible to users with disabilities. While eslint-plugin-unicorn focuses on general JavaScript code quality, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y focuses on accessibility concerns in React and JSX.
This plugin provides React-specific linting rules. It is similar to eslint-plugin-unicorn in that it helps maintain code quality and consistency, but it is tailored specifically for React development.
Various awesome ESLint rules
You might want to check out XO, which includes this plugin.
$ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-unicorn
Configure it in package.json
"name": "my-awesome-project",
"eslintConfig": {
"env": {
"es6": true
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2017,
"sourceType": "module"
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"unicorn/catch-error-name": ["error", {"name": "err"}],
"unicorn/explicit-length-check": "error",
"unicorn/filename-case": ["error", {"case": "kebabCase"}],
"unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable": "error",
"unicorn/no-process-exit": "error",
"unicorn/throw-new-error": "error",
"unicorn/number-literal-case": "error",
"unicorn/escape-case": "error",
"unicorn/no-array-instanceof": "error",
"unicorn/no-new-buffer": "error",
"unicorn/no-hex-escape": "error",
"unicorn/custom-error-definition": "off",
"unicorn/prefer-starts-ends-with": "error",
"unicorn/prefer-type-error": "error",
"unicorn/no-fn-reference-in-iterator": "off",
"unicorn/import-index": "error",
"unicorn/new-for-builtins": "error",
"unicorn/regex-shorthand": "error",
"unicorn/prefer-spread": "error",
"unicorn/error-message": "error",
"unicorn/no-unsafe-regex": "error",
"unicorn/prefer-add-event-listener": "error"
Recommended config
This plugin exports a recommended
config that enforces good practices.
Enable it in your package.json
with the extends
"name": "my-awesome-project",
"eslintConfig": {
"plugins": [
"extends": "plugin:unicorn/recommended"
See the ESLint docs for more information about extending config files.
Note: This config will also enable the correct parser options and environment.