An ESP8266 command line interface.
Administer the file system and more on an ESP8266 that is flashed with NodeMcu firmware.
$ npm install esp8266 -g
$ esp command [subcommand] [data]
port set
Sets the name of the serial port to use in future commands.
$ esp port set /dev/tty.usbserial-A603UC7E
port get
Displays the current port that is used.
$ esp port get
Port: /dev/tty.usbserial-A603UC7E
file list
Lists the sizes and names of all files on the module.
$ esp file list
1093 bytes init.lua
1321 bytes test.lua
file write <local_filename> [<remote_filename>]
Writes a file from the local file system to the module. If a second filename is given, the local file will be renamed to this value on the device, else it will keep its local name.
$ esp file write ./webserver.lua init.lua
file push <local_filename> [<remote_filename>]
Alternative to esp file write
that compress the file if they are of any of the following types: Lua, HTML, JavaScript, CSS.
$ esp file push ./webserver.lua init.lua
file read <remote_filename>
Displays the content of a file from the module.
$ esp file read hello-world.lua
print 'Hello, world'
file execute <remote_filename>
Executes the content of a Lua file on the module, returns the output.
$ esp file execute hello-world.lua
Hello, world
file remove <remote_filename>
Removes a file from the module.
$ esp file remove test.lua
Restarts the module.
$ esp restart
run <lua>
Runs Lua code on the module, returns the output.
$ esp run "print 'Mechanisms, not policy.'"
Mechanisms, not policy.