ethereum-multicall is a lightweight library for interacting with the multicall smart contract.
Multicall allows multiple smart contract constant function calls to be grouped into a single call and the results aggregated into a single result. This reduces the number of separate JSON RPC requests that need to be sent over the network if using a remote node like Infura, and provides the guarantee that all values returned are from the same block. The latest block number is also returned along with the aggregated results.
ethereum-multicall is fully written in typescript so has full compile time support. The motivation of this package was to expose a super simple and easy to understand interface for you to take the full benefits of the multicalls. Also to not being opinionated on how you use it, you can use it with web3, ethers or even pass in a custom nodeUrl and we do it for you. This package takes care of the decoding for you but at the same time if you dont want it to you can turn that part off.
- mainnet
- kovan
- görli
- rinkeby
- ropsten
- binance smart chain
- xdai
- matic
- mumbai
- custom network with your own instance of multicall deployed
$ npm install ethereum-multicall
$ yarn add ethereum-multicall
Import examples:
JavaScript (ES3)
var ethereumMulticall = require('ethereum-multicall');
JavaScript (ES5 or ES6)
const ethereumMulticall = require('ethereum-multicall');
JavaScript (ES6) / TypeScript
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
ethers usage example
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
let provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
const multicall = new Multicall({ ethersProvider: wallet.provider, tryAggregate: true });
const contractCallContext: ContractCallContext<{extraContext: string, foo4: boolean}>[] = [
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }],
context: {
extraContext: 'extraContext',
foo4: true
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256', name: "path", "type": "address[]" }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
const results: ContractCallResults = await multicall.call(contractCallContext);
results: {
testContract: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: BigNumber }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
testContract2: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256[]' ] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber] }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
blockNumber: 10994677
web3 usage example
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
import Web3 from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3('https://some.local-or-remote.node:8546');
const multicall = new Multicall({ web3Instance: web3, tryAggregate: true });
const contractCallContext: ContractCallContext[] = [
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }]
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256', name: "path", "type": "address[]" }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
const results: ContractCallResults = await multicall.call(contractCallContext);
results: {
testContract: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: BigNumber }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
testContract2: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256[]' ] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber] }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
blockNumber: 10994677
If you want store any context or state so you don't need to look back over arrays once you got the result back. it can be stored in context
within ContractCallContext
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
let provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
const multicall = new Multicall({ ethersProvider: wallet.provider, tryAggregate: true });
const contractCallContext: ContractCallContext<{extraContext: string, foo4: boolean}>[] = [
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }],
context: {
extraContext: 'extraContext',
foo4: true
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256', name: "path", "type": "address[]" }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }],
context: {
extraContext: 'extraContext2',
foo4: false
const results: ContractCallResults = await multicall.call(contractCallContext);
results: {
testContract: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }],
context: {
extraContext: 'extraContext',
foo4: true
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: BigNumber }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
testContract2: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256[]' ] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }],
context: {
extraContext: 'extraContext2',
foo4: false
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber] }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
blockNumber: 10994677
try aggregate
By default if you dont turn tryAggregate
to true if 1 eth_call
fails in your multicall the whole result will throw. If you turn tryAggregate
to true it means if 1 of your eth_call
methods fail it still return you the rest of the results. It will still be in the same order as you expect but you have a success
boolean to check if it passed or failed.
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
const multicall = new Multicall({ nodeUrl: 'https://some.local-or-remote.node:8546', tryAggregate: true });
const contractCallContext: ContractCallContext[] = [
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] }, { name: 'foo_fail', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }, { reference: 'fooCall_fail', methodName: 'foo_fail', methodParameters: [42] }]
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256', name: "path", "type": "address[]" }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
const results: ContractCallResults = await multicall.call(contractCallContext);
results: {
testContract: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] }, { name: 'foo_fail', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }, { reference: 'fooCall_fail', methodName: 'foo_fail', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: BigNumber }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
returnValues: [],
decoded: false,
reference: 'fooCall_fail',
methodName: 'foo_fail',
methodParameters: [42],
success: false
testContract2: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256[]' ] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber] }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
blockNumber: 10994677
custom jsonrpc provider usage example
import {
} from 'ethereum-multicall';
const multicall = new Multicall({ nodeUrl: 'https://some.local-or-remote.node:8546', tryAggregate: true });
const contractCallContext: ContractCallContext[] = [
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }]
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256', name: "path", "type": "address[]" }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
const results: ContractCallResults = await multicall.call(contractCallContext);
results: {
testContract: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract',
contractAddress: '0x6795b15f3b16Cf8fB3E56499bbC07F6261e9b0C3',
abi: [ { name: 'foo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256' }] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooCall', methodName: 'foo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: BigNumber }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
testContract2: {
originalContractCallContext: {
reference: 'testContract2',
contractAddress: '0x66BF8e2E890eA0392e158e77C6381b34E0771318',
abi: [ { name: 'fooTwo', type: 'function', inputs: [ { name: 'example', type: 'uint256' } ], outputs: [ { name: 'amounts', type: 'uint256[]' ] } ],
calls: [{ reference: 'fooTwoCall', methodName: 'fooTwo', methodParameters: [42] }]
callsReturnContext: [{
returnValues: [{ amounts: [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber] }],
decoded: true,
reference: 'fooCall',
methodName: 'foo',
methodParameters: [42],
success: true
blockNumber: 10994677
Multicall contracts
by default it looks at your network from the provider you passed in and makes the contract address to that:
Network | Address |
mainnet | 0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696 |
kovan | 0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696 |
görli | 0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696 |
rinkeby | 0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696 |
ropsten | 0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696 |
binance smart chain | 0xAf379C844f87A7b47EE6fe5E4a9720988EaEA0AF |
xdai | 0x2325b72990D81892E0e09cdE5C80DD221F147F8B |
mumbai | 0xe9939e7Ea7D7fb619Ac57f648Da7B1D425832631 |
matic | 0x275617327c958bD06b5D6b871E7f491D76113dd8 |
If you wanted this to point at a different multicall contract address just pass that in the options when creating the multicall instance, example:
const multicall = new Multicall({
multicallCustomContractAddress: '0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696',
Please raise any issues in the below link.
Thanks And Support
This package is brought to you by Josh Stevens. My aim is to be able to keep creating these awesome packages to help the Ethereum space grow with easier-to-use tools to allow the learning curve to get involved with blockchain development easier and making Ethereum ecosystem better. If you want to help with that vision and allow me to invest more time into creating cool packages or if this package has saved you a lot of development time donations are welcome, every little helps. By donating, you are supporting me to be able to maintain existing packages, extend existing packages (as Ethereum matures), and allowing me to build more packages for Ethereum due to being able to invest more time into it. Thanks, everyone!
Direct donations
Direct donations any token accepted - Eth address > 0x699c2daD091ffcF18f3cd9E8495929CA3a64dFe1
sponsor me via github using fiat money