Bestätigung von ausländischen Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern
Validates foreign (in regards to Germany) VAT numbers for their validity. Allows to perform a “simple” check, for just checking the number, and a “qualified” check, which validates the number in regard to a given company name and city (and optionally zip code and street).
The service is provided by the German “Bundeszentralamt für Steuern”. The German documentation of the API an be found here.
To use this tool, you need to be in possesion of a valid German VAT number.
$ yarn add evatr
import * as evatr from 'evatr';
const simpleResult = await evatr.checkSimple({
ownVatNumber: 'DE115235681',
validateVatNumber: 'CZ00177041'
const qualifiedResult = await evatr.checkQualified({
ownVatNumber: 'DE115235681',
validateVatNumber: 'CZ00177041',
companyName: 'ŠKODA AUTO a.s.',
city: 'Mlada Boleslav',
zip: '293 01',
street: 'tř. Václava Klementa 869'
Use Volta.
Install NPM dependencies with yarn
To execute the tests, run yarn test
For the best development experience, make sure that your editor supports ESLint, Prettier and EditorConfig.
Error Codes
There’s a script which scrapes and includes human-readable error codes from here. This way, obscure codes such as 207
are at least mapped to an understandable German message (for this example: “Ihnen wurde die deutsche USt-IdNr. ausschliesslich zu Zwecken der Besteuerung des innergemeinschaftlichen Erwerbs erteilt. Sie sind somit nicht berechtigt, Bestätigungsanfragen zu stellen.” – alles klar?)
To update the list, run the NPM task yarn scrape-error-codes
which will produce a file error-codes.json
Releasing to NPM
Commit all changes and run the following:
$ npm login
$ npm version <update_type>
$ npm publish
… where <update_type>
is one of patch
, minor
, or major
. This will update the package.json
, and create a tagged Git commit with the version number.
Pull requests are very welcome. Feel free to discuss bugs or new features by opening a new issue.
Copyright Philipp Katz, LineUpr GmbH, 2018 – 2024