:package: :sparkles: Everytask
The API for sheduling tasks with the event loop is very counter intuitive.
It's sometimes hard to choose between Promise.resolve().then()
, setTimeout()
and queueMicrotask()
Don't get me started with the differences between node and the browser.
This library aims to provide a clear isomorphic API to schdelule tasks without having to deal with all the nuances.
yarn add everytask
import * as tasks from 'everytask';
tasks.task(() => console.log('called fourth'));
tasks.microtask(() => console.log('called third'));
tasks.macrotask(() => console.log('called second'));
tasks.synchonouse(() => console.log('called first'));
The package is 100% tested on node as well as on safari, firefox and chrome ( using jest the awesome playwright package ).
In order to reproduce the tests type the command below:
yarn build & yarn test
- This package is heavility inspired from the HTTP 204 video below. While writing the package I found out that there where some errors in the video that are fixed in this package.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eHInw9_U8k)