Evil Diff
Immutable data can make things fast. The problem is trying to model your data as immutable is very challenging. You might have seen libraries like Immutable.js and seamless-immutable and feared switching.
EvilDiff comes to the rescue!
It will compare two pieces of data, apply any changes it finds, and clone along the path. Unchanged data keep their old pointer and changed data gets new pointers along its path.
Getting started
Install evil-diff using npm or yarn.
npm install evil-diff
Then require it into any module.
import EvilDiff from 'evil-diff';
var objDiff = EvilDiff.revise(obj1, obj2);
No changes between two objects returns original object:
const result1 = { 'John': {name: {first: 'John', last: 'Doe'}, zipCode: '86469'} };
const result2 = { 'John': {name: {first: 'John', last: 'Doe'}, zipCode: '86469'} };
assertFalse(result1 === result2); // not same object
assertdeepEqual(result1, result2); // but same data
const revisedResult = EvilDiff.revise(result1, result2);
assertTrue(revisedResult === result1); //Data was unchanged, returns old pointer
Changes return new references, but preserve references for unchanged properties
const result1 = { 'John': {name: {first: 'John', last: 'Doe'}, zipCode: '86469'} };
const result2 = { 'John': {name: {first: 'John', last: 'Doe'}, zipCode: '91752'} };
assertFalse(result1 === result3); // not same object
assertNotDeepEqual(result1, result3); // different data
const revisedResult = EvilDiff.revise(result1, result3);
assertFalse(revisedResult === result1 || revisedResult === result3); //Data was changed, new object
assertDeepEqual(revisedResult, result3); // Data matches result3
assertTrue(revisedResult.John.name === result1.John.name); // Unchanged data keeps same reference