💧Type safe replacement for Node's EventEmitter💧
is intended to be a replacement for 'events'
It enable and encourage functional programming and makes heavy use of typescript's type inference features to provide type safety while keeping things concise and elegant 🍸.
Browserify friendly:
- No polyfills needed ✅
- Transpiled down to ES3 ✅
- Light-weight, no dependencies ✅
import { Evt } from "evt";
const evtText = new Evt<string>();
const evtTime = new Evt<number>();
evtText.attach(text => console.log(text));
evtTime.attachOnce(time => console.log(time));
import { Evt, to } from "evt";
const evt = new Evt<
[ "text", string ] |
[ "time", number ]
evt.$attach(to("text"), text => console.log(text));
evt.$attachOnce(to("time"), time => console.log(time));
evt.post(["text", "hi!"]);
evt.post(["time", 123]);
evt.post(["time", 1234]);
*Those are introductory examples, EVT can do much more than this.
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There are a lot of things that can't easily be done with EventEmitter
- Enforcing type safety.
- Removing a particular listener when the callback is an anonymous function.
- Adding a one-time listener for the next event that meets a condition.
- Waiting (via a Promise) for one thing or another to happen.
Example: waiting at most one second for the next message, stop waiting if the socket disconnects.
Concerning RxJS:
EVT is an attempt to solve all these issues while trying to remain as accessible as EventEmitter
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