What is expect-playwright?
The expect-playwright npm package is an assertion library for Playwright, which extends the capabilities of Jest's expect function to work seamlessly with Playwright. It allows for more expressive and readable assertions when testing web applications.
What are expect-playwright's main functionalities?
Element Visibility
This feature allows you to assert that a specific element is present in the DOM. In this example, it checks if a button with the ID 'submit' is present on the page.
await expect(page).toHaveSelector('button#submit');
Element Text
This feature allows you to assert that a specific element contains the expected text. In this example, it checks if an <h1> element contains the text 'Welcome'.
await expect(page).toHaveText('h1', 'Welcome');
Element Count
This feature allows you to assert that a specific number of elements are present in the DOM. In this example, it checks if there are exactly 5 <li> elements on the page.
await expect(page).toHaveSelectorCount('li', 5);
Element Attribute
This feature allows you to assert that a specific element has a particular attribute with the expected value. In this example, it checks if an input element with the ID 'username' has a placeholder attribute with the value 'Enter your username'.
await expect(page).toHaveAttribute('input#username', 'placeholder', 'Enter your username');
Element State
This feature allows you to assert that a specific element is in a particular state, such as enabled or disabled. In this example, it checks if a button with the ID 'submit' is enabled.
await expect(page).toBeEnabled('button#submit');
Other packages similar to expect-playwright
jest-playwright is a Jest extension that allows you to use Playwright with Jest. It provides a similar set of functionalities for writing end-to-end tests, but it focuses more on integrating Playwright with Jest's testing framework rather than extending Jest's expect function.
playwright-testing-library is a library that brings the user-centric queries from Testing Library to Playwright. It allows you to write tests that are more focused on how users interact with your application, making your tests more readable and maintainable. It complements expect-playwright by providing a different approach to querying elements.
This library provides utility matchers for Jest in combination with Playwright. All of them are exposed on the expect
object. You can use them either directly or invert them via the .not
property like shown in a example below.
npm install -D expect-playwright
To activate it in your Jest environment you have to include it in your configuration.
"setupFilesAfterEnv": ["expect-playwright"]
Why do I need it
The Playwright API is great, but it is low level and not designed for integration testing. So this package tries to provide a bunch of utility functions to perform the common checks easier.
Example which should wait and compare the text content of a paragraph on the page.
await page.waitForSelector("#foo")
const textContent = await page.$eval("#foo", el => el.textContent)
expect(textContent).stringContaining("my text")
await expect(page).toHaveText("#foo", "my text")
API documentation
Table of Contents
expect(page: Page).toHaveSelector(selector: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
This function waits as a maximum as the timeout exceeds for a given selector once it appears on the page. It has a default timeout of 1 second, which you can overwrite via the options.
await expect(page).toHaveSelector("#foobar")
await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("#foobar")
This function checks if the the textContent
of a given element contains the provided value.
You can do this via a selector on the whole page:
expect(page: Page).toHaveText(selector: string, value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
await expect(page).toHaveText("#my-element", "MyValue")
Or without a selector which will use the body
expect(page: Page).toHaveText(value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
await expect(page).toHaveText("Playwright")
Or by passing an Playwright ElementHandle:
expect(page: ElementHandle).toHaveText(value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
const element = await page.$('#my-element');
await expect(element).toHaveText("Playwright")
By default it waits 1 second for the element which you can overwrite via the options.
This function checks if the textContent
of a given element is the same as the provided value.
You can do this via a selector on the whole page:
expect(page: Page).toEqualText(selector: string, value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
await expect(page).toEqualText("#my-element", "Playwright")
Or without a selector which will use the body
expect(page: Page).toEqualText(value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
await expect(page).toEqualText("Playwright")
Or by passing an Playwright ElementHandle:
expect(page: ElementHandle).toEqualText(value: string, options?: PageWaitForSelectorOptions)
const element = await page.$('#my-element');
await expect(element).toEqualText("Playwright")
By default it waits 1 second for the element which you can overwrite via the options.
import playwright from 'playwright-chromium'
describe("GitHub Playwright project", () => {
it("should should have Playwright in the README heading", async () => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch()
const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto("https://github.com/microsoft/playwright")
await expect(page).toHaveText("#readme h1", "Playwright")
await expect(page).not.toHaveText("this-is-no-anywhere")
await browser.close()
There are typings available. For that just import
import "expect-playwright"
at the top of your test file or include it globally in your tsconfig.json
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