This is a wrapper for expo-sqlite
as it make it very easy to create,update and work with the database file
npm install expo-sqlite
npm install expo-sqlite-wrapper
Installation for expo-sqlite
read https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite/
import { IBaseModule, TableStructor, ColumnType, IQueryResultItem } from 'expo-sqlite-wrapper'
export type TableNames = "Parents" | "Childrens";
export class Parent extends IBaseModule<TableNames>{
name: string;
email: string;
children: IQueryResultItem<Child,TableNames>[];
constructor(name:string, email: string ){
this.name = name;
this.email = email;
this.children = [];
static GetTableStructor() {
return new TableStructor<Parent, TableNames>(
{ columnName: x=> x.id, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: false, isPrimary: true, autoIncrement: true },
{ columnName: x=> x.name, columnType: ColumnType.String },
{ columnName: x=> x.email, columnType: ColumnType.String, isUique: true }
export class Child extends IBaseModule<TableNames>{
someFiel: string;
parentId?: number;
constructor(someFiel:string, parentId?: number ){
this.someFiel = someFiel;
this.parentId = parentId;
static GetTableStructor() {
return new TableStructor<Child, TableNames>(
{ columnName: x=> x.id, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: false, isPrimary: true, autoIncrement: true },
{ columnName: x=> .name, columnType: ColumnType.String },
{ columnName: x=> x.parentId, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: true },
{ contraintTableName: "Parents", contraintColumnName: "id", columnName: x=> x.parentId }
Setup dbContexts
import createDbContext, { IDatabase, IQueryResultItem, IBaseModule } from 'expo-sqlite-wrapper'
import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite';
const tables = [Parent.GetTableStructor(), Child.GetTableStructor()]
export default class DbContext {
databaseName: string = "mydatabase.db";
database: IDatabase<TableNames>;
constructor() {
this.database = createDbContext<TableNames>(tables, async () => SQLite.openDatabase(this.databaseName));
Using the dbContexts
const dbContext = new DbContext();
const App=()=> {
React.useEffect(()=> {
const firstRun= async()=> {
await dbContext.database.setUpDataBase();
const addItem= async ()=> {
var item = await dbContext.database.save(new Parent("testName", "test@gmail.com"));
var child = await dbContext.database.save(new Child("testName",item.id));
var item = await dbContext.database.where<Parent>("Parents", { name: "testName"})
var item = await dbContext.database.query<Parent>("Parents")
.Column(x=> x.name)
item.name= "test"
var item = await dbContext.database.query<Parent>("Parents")
.Start().Column(x=> x.name).IN(["name", "testName"]).End()
.Start().Column(x=> x.email).Contains("test@").End()
.LoadChildren("Childrens", x=> x.id)
.With<Child>(x=> x.parentId)
.AssignTo(x=> x.children).toList();
var item= (await dbContext.database.find("Select * from Parents where (name in (?,?)) OR (email like %?%)", ["name", "testName","test@" ])) as Parent[];
useEffect(()=> {
var watcher = dbContext.database.watch<Parent>("Parents");
watcher.onSave = async (item, operation)=> {
watcher.onDelete = async (item)=> {
return ()=> watcher.removeWatch();
interface IQuery<T, D extends string> {
Column: <B>(item: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualTo: (value: SingleValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Contains: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
StartWith: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EndWith: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
NotEqualTo: (value: SingleValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualAndGreaterThen: <B>(value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualAndLessThen: (value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Start: () => IQuery<T, D>;
End: () => IQuery<T, D>;
OR: () => IQuery<T, D>;
AND: () => IQuery<T, D>;
GreaterThan: (value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
LessThan: (value: ((x: T) => B) | NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
IN: (value: ArrayValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
NotIn: (value: ArrayValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Null: () => IQuery<T, D>;
NotNull: () => IQuery<T, D>;
LoadChildren: <B>(childTableName: D, parentProperty: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IChildQueryLoader<B, T, D>;
LoadChild: <B>(childTableName: D, parentProperty: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IChildQueryLoader<B, T, D>
firstOrDefault: () => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D> | undefined>;
findOrSave: (item: IBaseModule<D>) => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>>;
toList: () => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>[]>;
getQueryResult: () => IQuaryResult<D>;
export interface IDatabase<D extends string> {
isClosed?: boolean,
tryToClose: (name: string) => Promise<boolean>,
allowedKeys: (tableName: D) => Promise<string[]>;
asQueryable: <T>(item: IBaseModule<D>, tableName?: D) => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>>
watch: <T>(tableName: D) => IWatcher<T, D>;
query: <T>(tableName: D) => IQuery<T, D>;
find: (query: string, args?: any[], tableName?: D) => Promise<IBaseModule<D>[]>
save: <T>(item?: IBaseModule<D> | (IBaseModule<D>[]), insertOnly?: Boolean, tableName?: D) => Promise<T[]>;
where: <T>(tableName: D, query?: any | T) => Promise<T[]>;
delete: (item: IBaseModule<D> | (IBaseModule<D>[]), tableName?: D) => Promise<void>;
execute: (query: string, args?: any[]) => Promise<boolean>;
dropTables: () => Promise<void>;
setUpDataBase: (forceCheck?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
tableHasChanges: (item: TablaStructor<D>) => Promise<boolean>;
If you use obfuscator-io-metro-plugin and use IQuery expression eg Column(x=> x.name)
then you should have those settings below. as the obfuscator will rewite all properties and the library can not read those.
const jsoMetroPlugin = require("obfuscator-io-metro-plugin")(
compact: false,
sourceMap: true,
controlFlowFlattening: true,
controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0, // Very Importend
numbersToExpressions: true,
simplify: true,
shuffleStringArray: true,
splitStrings: true,
stringArrayThreshold: 0 // Very Importend
runInDev: false /* optional */,
logObfuscatedFiles: true /* optional generated files will be located at ./.jso */,
"./index.android.bundle.map" /* optional only works if sourceMap: true in obfuscation option */,
Otherwise if you still want to use more advanced obfuscator settings then you should use Column("name")
instead of expression x=> x.name
as the library could still read the string and count it as a column.
This Library is new and I am using it for my project and decided too put it on npm, so there may be some issues discovered later.
Please report those so I could make sure to fix them.