This is an ORM, build around expo-sqlite
. It will make operation like UPDATE,SELECT AND INSERT a lot easier to handle
npm install expo-sqlite expo-sqlite-wrapper
Installation for expo-sqlite
read https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite/
"show source"
import { IBaseModule, TableStructor, ColumnType, IQueryResultItem } from 'expo-sqlite-wrapper'
export type TableNames = "Parents" | "Childrens";
export class Parent extends IBaseModule<TableNames>{
name: string;
email: string;
children: IQueryResultItem<Child,TableNames>[];
constructor(name:string, email: string ){
this.name = name;
this.email = email;
this.children = [];
static GetTableStructor() {
return new TableStructor<Parent, TableNames>(
{ columnName: x=> x.id, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: false, isPrimary: true, autoIncrement: true },
{ columnName: x=> x.name, columnType: ColumnType.String },
{ columnName: x=> x.email, columnType: ColumnType.String, isUnique: true }
export class Child extends IBaseModule<TableNames>{
someField: string;
parentId?: number;
constructor(someField:string, parentId?: number ){
this.someField = someField;
this.parentId = parentId;
static GetTableStructor() {
return new TableStructor<Child, TableNames>(
{ columnName: x=> x.id, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: false, isPrimary: true, autoIncrement: true },
{ columnName: x=> x.someField, columnType: ColumnType.String },
{ columnName: x=> x.parentId, columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: true },
{ contraintTableName: "Parents", contraintColumnName: "id", columnName: x=> x.parentId }
(item: T)=> {
var child= new Child(item.someField, item.parentId);
child.id= item.id;
return child;
Setup dbContexts
import createDbContext, { IDatabase, IQueryResultItem, IBaseModule } from 'expo-sqlite-wrapper'
import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite';
const tables = [Parent.GetTableStructor(), Child.GetTableStructor()]
export default class DbContext {
databaseName: string = "mydatabase.db";
database: IDatabase<TableNames>;
constructor() {
this.database = createDbContext<TableNames>(tables, async () => SQLite.openDatabase(this.databaseName));
Using the dbContexts
const dbContext = new DbContext();
const App=()=> {
React.useEffect(()=> {
const firstRun= async()=> {
await dbContext.database.setUpDataBase();
const addItem= async ()=> {
var item = await dbContext.database.save(new Parent("testName", "test@gmail.com"));
var child = await dbContext.database.save(new Child("testName",item.id));
var item = await dbContext.database.where<Parent>("Parents", { name: "testName"})
var item = await dbContext.database.query<Parent>("Parents")
.Column(x=> x.name)
item.name= "test"
var item = await dbContext.database.query<Parent>("Parents")
.Start().Column(x=> x.name).IN(["name", "testName"]).End()
.Start().Column(x=> x.email).Contains("test@").End()
.LoadChildren("Childrens", x=> x.id)
.With<Child>(x=> x.parentId)
.AssignTo(x=> x.children).toList();
var item= (await dbContext.database.find("Select * from Parents where (name in (?,?)) OR (email like %?%)", ["name", "testName","test@" ])) as Parent[];
useEffect(()=> {
var watcher = dbContext.database.watch<Parent>("Parents");
watcher.onSave = async (item, operation)=> {
watcher.onDelete = async (item)=> {
return ()=> watcher.removeWatch();
interface IQuery<T, D extends string> {
Column: <B>(item: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualTo: (value: SingleValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Contains: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
StartWith: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EndWith: (value: StringValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
NotEqualTo: (value: SingleValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualAndGreaterThen: <B>(value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
EqualAndLessThen: (value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Start: () => IQuery<T, D>;
End: () => IQuery<T, D>;
OR: () => IQuery<T, D>;
AND: () => IQuery<T, D>;
GreaterThan: (value: NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
LessThan: (value: ((x: T) => B) | NumberValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
IN: (value: ArrayValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
NotIn: (value: ArrayValue) => IQuery<T, D>;
Null: () => IQuery<T, D>;
NotNull: () => IQuery<T, D>;
OrderByDesc: <B>(item: ((x: T) => B) | string) => IQuery<T, D>;
OrderByAsc: <B>(item: ((x: T) => B) | string) => IQuery<T, D>;
Limit: (value: number) => IQuery<T, D>;
LoadChildren: <B>(childTableName: D, parentProperty: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IChildQueryLoader<B, T, D>;
LoadChild: <B>(childTableName: D, parentProperty: ((x: T) => B)|string) => IChildQueryLoader<B, T, D>
delete: ()=> Promise<void>;
firstOrDefault: () => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D> | undefined>;
findOrSave: (item: IBaseModule<D>) => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>>;
toList: () => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>[]>;
getQueryResult: () => IQuaryResult<D>;
export interface IDatabase<D extends string> {
isClosed?: boolean,
tryToClose: (name: string) => Promise<boolean>,
beginTransaction:()=> Promise<void>;
commitTransaction:()=> Promise<void>;
rollbackTransaction:()=> Promise<void>;
startRefresher: (ms: number, dbName: string) => void;
allowedKeys: (tableName: D) => Promise<string[]>;
asQueryable: <T>(item: IBaseModule<D>, tableName?: D) => Promise<IQueryResultItem<T, D>>
watch: <T>(tableName: D) => IWatcher<T, D>;
query: <T>(tableName: D) => IQuery<T, D>;
find: (query: string, args?: any[], tableName?: D) => Promise<IBaseModule<D>[]>
save: <T>(item?: IBaseModule<D> | (IBaseModule<D>[]), insertOnly?: Boolean, tableName?: D) => Promise<T[]>;
where: <T>(tableName: D, query?: any | T) => Promise<T[]>;
delete: (item: IBaseModule<D> | (IBaseModule<D>[]), tableName?: D) => Promise<void>;
execute: (query: string, args?: any[]) => Promise<boolean>;
dropTables: () => Promise<void>;
setUpDataBase: (forceCheck?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
tableHasChanges: (item: TablaStructor<D>) => Promise<boolean>;
If you use obfuscator-io-metro-plugin and use IQuery expression eg Column(x=> x.name)
then you should have those settings below. as the obfuscator will rewite all properties and the library can not read those.
const jsoMetroPlugin = require("obfuscator-io-metro-plugin")(
compact: false,
sourceMap: true,
controlFlowFlattening: true,
controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0,
numbersToExpressions: true,
simplify: true,
shuffleStringArray: true,
splitStrings: true,
stringArrayThreshold: 0
runInDev: false ,
logObfuscatedFiles: true ,
"./index.android.bundle.map" ,
If you are using hermes and using expression ex x=> x.id
then you will have too add show source
on top of the files where you are using it.
Its best to gather all the queries in a one class and add show source
on top of this specific class, eg repository and the db classes on the example above.
Otherwise if you still want to use more advanced obfuscator settings then you should use Column("name")
instead of expression x=> x.name
as the library could still read the string and count it as a column.
This Library is new and I am using it for my project and decided too put it on npm, so there may be some issues discovered later.
Please report those so I could make sure to fix them.