Boilerplate for quickly building login systems on top of apis. This module adds a user facade-backend with login / registration on top of that. Good startingpoint for DIY api management, processable thru webhooks.
WARNING: BETA, not production ready
Install: standalone
sudo npm install coffee-script -g
npm install express-api-user-management-signup
WEBHOOKURL="http://localhost:8123" coffee
# NON-COFFEESCRIPTERS: coffee -c will convert it to app.js
Install: as library
Use it directly in your existing express servercode:
cd my-express-server-root
npm install express-api-user-management-signup
npm install jade mongodb stylus moment emailjs coffee-script
In your existing express-app, just put this above app.listen(....) :
where usermanagement.js looks something like this:
var config = {
webhook: {
url: "http://" + host + ":" + port,
requestdata: { headers: { "x-some-token":"l1kj2k323"} }
mongo: {
host: "localhost",
port: 27017,
name: "foo"
// user: "foo"
// password: "23kj4"
layout: {
title: {
brand: "Projectname",
welcome: "Please login to your account"
menu: {
"Apidoc": {target:"_blank",url:"/api/v1/doc"},
"---": "---",
"Contact": {target:"_blank",url:""}
- coffeescript yay!
- New User Account Creation
- Secure Password Reset via Email
- Ability to Update / Delete Account
- Session Tracking for Logged-In Users
- Local Cookie Storage for Returning Users
- Blowfish-based Scheme Password Encryption
- extra webhooks for flexibilitystorage (to integrate with api proxy like apiaxle e.g.)
- apikey support + regeneration of apikey
- works standalone and as express drop-in lib (the latter needs improvement eg. app.use)
The following webhooks are fired whenever
- configuredhost + /add
when user adds account
- configuredhost + /update
when user updates account
- configuredhost + /update/pass
when user changes password
- configuredhost + /update/apikey
when user regenerates apikey
- configuredhost + /login
when user logs in
- configuredhost + /reset/pass
when user resets password
These webhooks can be reacted upon by other middle/software in order to
send emails or update api proxy settings e.g.
####Node-Login is built on top of the following libraries :