A graceful error handler for Express applications.
Quick start:
var express = require('express'),
errorHandler = require('../error-handler.js'),
app = express(),
env = process.env,
port = env.myapp_port || 3000,
http = require('http'),
app.get('/error', function createError(req,
res, next) {
var err = new Error('Sample error');
err.status = 500;
server = http.createServer(app);
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
app.use( errorHandler({server: server}) );
server.listen(port, function () {
console.log('Listening on port ' + port);
Configuration errorHandler(options)
Here are the parameters you can pass into the errorHandler()
@param {object} [options]
@param {object} [options.handlers] Custom handlers for specific status codes.
@param {object} [options.views] View files to render in response to specific status codes. Specify a default with options.views.default
@param {object} [options.static] Static files to send in response to specific status codes. Specify a default with options.static.default.
@param {number} [options.timeout] Delay between the graceful shutdown attempt and the forced shutdown timeout.
@param {number} [options.exitStatus] Custom process exit status code.
@param {object} [options.server] The app server object for graceful shutdowns.
@param {function} [options.shutdown] An alternative shutdown function if the graceful shutdown fails.
@param {function} serializer a function to customize the JSON error object. Usage: serializer(err) return errObj
@return {function} errorHandler Express error handling middleware.
lets you specify custom templates, static pages, or error handlers for your errors. It also does other useful error-handling things that every app should implement, like protect against 4xx error DOS attacks, and graceful shutdown on unrecoverable errors. Here's how you do what you're asking for:
var errorHandler = require('express-error-handler'),
handler = errorHandler({
handlers: {
'404': function err404() {
app.use( errorHandler.httpError(404) );
app.use( handler );
Or for a static page:
handler = errorHandler({
static: {
'404': function err404() {
Or for a custom view:
handler = errorHandler({
views: {
'404': function err404() {
More examples are available in the examples folder.
Return true if the error status represents a client error that should not trigger a restart.
- @param {number} status
- @return {boolean}
errorHandler.httpError(status, [message])
Take an error status and return a route that sends an error with the appropriate status and message to an error handler via next(err)
- @param {number} status
- @param {string} message
- @return {function} Express route handler
app.get( '/foo', handleFoo() );
app.all( '/foo', createHandler.httpError(405) );
Restify support
Restify error handling works different from
First, next(err)
is synonymous with res.send(status, error)
. This means that you should only use next(err)
to report errors to users, and not as a way to aggregate errors to a common error handler. Instead, you can invoke an error handler directly to aggregate your error handling in one place.
- There is no error handling middleware. Instead, use
uncaughtException, handleError)
See the examples in ./examples/restify.js