Express TypeORM REST API Boilerplate
Awesome boilerplate code to get started with building RESTful API Services!
Typescript with NodeJS and Express as well as MongoDB integration with TypeORM
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) based User Authentication,
TypeDI dependency injections, testing with Jest, and a bunch more.
Made with ❤️ by Brian Min
The main reason I decided to start this project is to provide a boilerplate for the NodeJS, Express, Typescript, TypeORM, MongoDB stack.
Also with TypeORM, this boilerplate code can easily be modified to use MySQL, PostGreSQL, and many more.
Tedious setting up of project structure, logging, testing, env and eslint is all done for you!
Now you can focus on actually implementing the core functionalities and not spending hours setting up and configuring your project.
Try it out and feel free to raise any issues or create pull requests if you would like to contribute!
- JWT based user authentication with jsonwebtoken and express-jwt.
- Dependency Injection with TypeDI.
- ORM with support for many databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MongoDB, and more) with TypeORM.
- Clear and organised structure with different layers such as entities, services, middlewares, loaders, etc.
- Validation thanks to class-validator.
- Unit and Integration Testing with Jest.
- Security Features with Helmet.
- Role-based access control using a custom-built middleware.
- Simple Data Seeding with custom-built factories and Faker.js.
- Code generator for entity, service, route, factory, seed, test with a custom-built generator script and CLI tool Commander.
Getting Started
Step 1: Set up the Development Environment
Install Node.js and NPM
Install a MongoDB server or use MongoDB Atlas
Step 2: Create a new project
Fork or download this project and modify package.json
for your new project.
Make a copy of the .env.example
file and rename it to .env
Create a new database and add the connection string in the .env
Install the required packages.
npm install
This installs all the dependencies with NPM.
Now your development environment should be ready to use!
Step 3: Serve your application
Go to the root directory and start your app with this npm script.
npm run dev
This starts a local server using nodemon
and ts-node
The server base endpoint will be
where 3000
is the PORT variable you set in the .env
Scripts and Tasks
- Install all dependencies with
npm install
- Run code syntax and format checking using
npm run lint
which runs eslint. - Automatically fix lint errors with
npm run lint:fix
Running MongoDB locally
For this step you need to install MongoDB Server
- Run
npm run mongodb
to start a local MongoDB server with it's data stored in .mongodb
in the root directory. - This is very useful for unit / integration testing.
- It's always a good idea to use a separate database for testing.
- Run unit tests using
npm run test
(for Windows users) or npm run test:unix
(for Mac and Linux users).
Running the app in development
- Run
npm run dev
to start nodemon with ts-node. - The server base endpoint will be
where 3000
is the PORT variable you set in the .env
Building and running the app in production
- Run
npm run build
to compile all the Typescript sources and generate JavaScript files. - To start the built app located in
use npm start
API Routes
The route prefix is /api
by default, but you can change this in the .env file.
Route | Description |
/api | Base endpoint |
/api/auth/login | Auth - login endpoint |
/api/auth/register | Auth - register endpoint |
/api/user | Example entity endpoint - returns all users |
/api/user/current | Example entity endpoint - returns current logged in user |
/api/company | Example entity endpoint - returns all companies |
/api/company/:id | Example entity endpoint - returns a company by id |
/api/jobApplication | Example entity endpoint - returns all job applications |
... | ... |
Project Structure
Name | Description |
.mongodb/ | Local MongoDB server data |
build/ | Compiled source files will be placed here |
commands/ | Custom CLI command tools used with npm scripts |
src/ | Source files |
src/api/middlewares/ | Custom middlewares |
src/api/entities/ | TypeORM Entities (Database models) |
src/api/services/ | Service layer |
src/config/ | The configuration file which loads env variables |
src/database/factories | Factories generate entities with mock data |
src/database/seeds | Seeds use factories to save mock data in the database |
src/loaders/ | Loader is where the app is configured and database is loaded |
src/types/ *.d.ts | Custom type definitions |
test *.spec.ts | Unit and integration tests |
.env.example | Environment configurations |
For logging we use winston.