Lists is a pair of key list and value list, with unique keys. [:running:] :vhs: [:package:] [:moon:] [:ledger:]
Methods as separate packages:
In this fourth Crust of Rust video, we cover smart pointers and interior
mutability, by re-implementing the Cell, RefCell, and Rc types from the
standard library. As part of that, we cover when those types are useful,
how they work, and what the equivalent thread-safe versions of these types
are. In the process, we go over some of the finer details of Rust's
ownership model, and the UnsafeCell type. (1)
Stability: Experimental.
const lists = require('extra-lists');
var x = [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
lists.filter(x, v => v % 2 === 1);
var x = [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, -3, -4]];
lists.some(x, v => v > 10);
var x = [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, -3, -4]];
var x = [['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]];
[...lists.submaps(x)].map(a => [[...a[0]], [...a[1]]]);
Method | Action |
[is] | Checks if value is entries. |
[get] | Gets value at key. |
[set] | Sets value at key. |
[remove] | Deletes an entry. |
[swap] | Exchanges two values. |
[size] | Gets size of entries. |
| |
[head] | Gets first entry. |
[take] | Keeps first n entries only. |
[shift] | Removes first entry. |
[fromLists] | Creates entries from lists. |
| |
[concat] | Appends entries from maps, preferring last. |
[flat] | Flattens nested entries to given depth. |
[chunk] | Breaks entries into chunks of given size. |
[filterAt] | Gets entries with given keys. |
| |
[map] | Updates values based on map function. |
[filter] | Keeps entries which pass a test. |
[reduce] | Reduces values to a single value. |
[range] | Finds smallest and largest entries. |
[count] | Counts values which satisfy a test. |
[partition] | Segregates values by test result. |
[cartesianProduct] | Lists cartesian product of entries. |
[some] | Checks if any value satisfies a test. |
[zip] | Combines matching entries from maps. |
| |
[union] | Gives entries present in any entries. |
[intersection] | Gives entries present in both entries. |
[difference] | Gives entries not present in another. |
[symmetricDifference] | Gives entries not present in both entries. |
[isDisjoint] | Checks if entries have no common keys. |
| |
[key] | Picks an arbitrary key. |
[value] | Picks an arbitrary value. |
[entry] | Picks an arbitrary entry. |
[submap] | Gives an arbitrary submap. |
| |
[isEmpty] | Checks if entries is empty. |
[isEqual] | Checks if two maps are equal. |
[compare] | Compares two entries. |
[find] | Finds a value passing a test. |
[search] | Finds key of an entry passing a test. |
[scanWhile] | Finds key of first entry not passing a test. |