Extracts email address from an arbitrary text input.
import type {
} from 'extract-email-address';
import extractEmail from 'extract-email-address';
extractEmail('extracts email from anywhere within the input gajus@gajus.com');
extractEmail('extracts multiple emails located anywhere within the input: foo@gajus.com, bar@gajus.com');
extractEmail('extracts all sorts of obfuscated emails, e.g. f o o @ b a r . c o m or baz [at] qux [dot] com');
extractEmail('extracts tagged emails, e.g. gajus+foo@gajus.com');
extractEmail('excludes invalid emails with invalid TLDs, e.g. gajus@gajus.png');
extractEmail('ignores invalid emails foo@bar');
Filtering results
Some matches might be syntactically valid email addresses, but not actual email addresses, e.g. apple-touch-icon@2.png
uses a list of valid top-level domains to filter out matches that are definitely not emails (such as png
example), but you might still need to filter out domain specific false-positives.
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