facebook signed request for node.js
node.js port of facebook-signeded-request.
It implements the signed request sent by facebook to applications.
Installation and Usage
clone this repository and then
var SignedRequest = require(PATH_TO_LIB + '/lib/facebook-signed-request');
SignedRequest.secret = "your facebook application secret";
var request = yourRequestObjectParamsHash['signed_request'];
var signedRequest = new SignedRequest( request );
signedRequest.parse(function(errors, request){
// check if request was valid
// access errors
// this is your data object
You can also sign requests to be used in your tests
SignedRequest.secret = "897z956a2z7zzzzz5783z458zz3z7556";
SignedRequest.encodeAndSign({ user_id : '111111'})
which will output something in the format of
Data sent by facebook
Here is an example
algorithm: 'HMAC-SHA256',
expires: 1308988800,
issued_at: 1308985018,
oauth_token: '111111111111111|2.AQBAttRlLVnwqNPZ.3600.1111111111.1-111111111111111|T49w3BqoZUegypru51Gra70hED8',
user: { country: 'de', locale: 'en_US', age: { min: 21 } },
user_id: '111111111111111'
npm install jasmine-node
jasmine-node spec