A collection of useful CoffeeScript/JavaScript functions.
General Purpose Functions
w Split a string on whitespace. Useful for concisely creating arrays of strings.
console.log word for word in w "foo bar baz"
type Get the type of a value. Possible values are: number
, string
, 'boolean
, data
, regexp
, function
, array
, object
, null
, undefined
. Adapted from The CoffeeScript Cookbook and based on Douglas Crockford's remedial JavaScript blog post.
foo() if type( foo ) == "function"
timer Set a timer. Takes an interval in microseconds and an action. Returns a function to cancel the timer. Basically, a more convenient way to call setTimeout
and clearTimeout
cancel = timer 1000, -> console.log "Done"
Array Functions
remove Destructively remove an element from an array. Returns the element removed.
a = w "foo bar baz"
remove( a, "bar" )
uniq Takes an array and returns a new array with all duplicate values from the original array removed. Also takes an optional hash function that defaults to calling toString
on the elements.
uniq [1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,3,6,2,4]
# returns [1,2,3,4,5,6]
File System Functions
All file-system functions are based on Node's fs
API. This is not require
d unless the function is actually invoked.
exists Check to see if a file exists.
source = read( sourcePath ) if exists( sourcePath )
read Read a file synchronously and return a UTF-8 string of the contents.
source = read( sourcePath ) if exists( sourcePath )
write Synchronously write a UTF-8 string to a file.
write( file.replace( /foo/g, 'bar' ) )
readdir Synchronously get the contents of a directory as an array.
for file in readdir("documents")
console.log read( file ) if stat( file ).isFile()
stat Synchronously get the stat object for a file.
for file in readdir("documents")
console.log read( file ) if stat( file ).isFile()
chdir Change directories, execute a function, and then restore the original working directory.
chdir "documents", ->
console.log read( "README" )
rm Removes a file.
rm "documents/reamde.txt"
rmdir Removes a directory.
rmdir "documents"
Hashing/Encoding Functions
md5 Return the MD5 hash of a string.
nutshell = md5( myLifeStory )
base64 Base64 encode a string. (Not URL safe.)
image = data: base64( imageData )
Object Functions
include Adds the properties of one or more objects to another.
include( @, ScrollbarMixin, SidebarMixin )
merge Creates new object by progressively adding the properties of each given object.
options = merge( defaults, globalOptions, localOptions )
delegate Delegates from one object to another by creating functions in the first object that call the second.
delegate( aProxy, aServer )
Object Mixins
Mixins are objects that you can include
into another, typically adding features to an object in the process.
Property Add a property
method to a class, making it easier to define getters and setters on its prototype.
class Foo
include @, Property
property "foo", get: -> @_foo, set: (v) -> @_foo = v
Properties defined using property
are enumerable.
Function Functions
memoize A very simple way to cache results of functions that take a single argument. Also takes an optional hash function that defaults to calling toString
on the function's argument.
nickname = (email) ->
expensiveLookupToGetNickname( email )
memoize( nickname )