Famo.us Carousel
A responsive carousel / slideshow / slider powered by Famo.us. Supports mouse, touch/swipe and keyboard navigation.
UPDATE: 0.9.x introduces ES6 and a new require() path:
var famousCarousel = require("famous-carousel").Carousel;
var carousel = new famousCarousel( {...} );
var carousel = famousCarousel.default( {...} );
If you see any unusual behavior after upgrading, delete node_modules and run npm install again
![famous-carousel preview](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6295083/8266024/78a6db1c-16dc-11e5-9c18-93a25824a72c.gif)
After cloning the repo:
npm install
Start the example project at port 8080:
npm run example
famous-carousel uses Browserify require. Refer to the example folder for boilerplate setup. When using this as an npm module, reference it as such:
var Carousel = require("famous-carousel").Carousel;
var myCarousel = new Carousel("myDivSelector", {
// add options here
// ...
ES6 is now supported
import { Carousel } from "famous-carousel";
Carousel Options
The following keys are supported in the options object. Only carouselData is required, all others are optional.
Type: String
or Object
Default: body
As a string, selector is a CSS selector of the element to render into.
As an object, selector is assumed to be a Famous node. The node's container should have overflow set to hidden.
Type: Array
This specifies the content of the slides. It is an array of objects, each containing type, data, and optionally backgroundSize keys.
type: may be image
, markup
, or node
data: must be a url for image, any valid html for markup, or a Famo.us node object.
backgroundSize: [optional] CSS background-size attribute (default contain
Example data:
{ "type": "image",
"data": "http://myDomain/myPicture.jpg",
"backgroundSize": "cover"
{ "type": "markup",
"data": "<div style='color:blue'>Hello World<BR><BR>It's me!</div>"
{ "type": "node",
"data": myFamousNode
Type: Function
(node, index)
Callback fires when a slide starts to move into the center position. Parameters (node, index) are the slide's node and its corresponding carouselData index.
Type: Function
(node, index)
Callback fires when a slide has finished settling in the center visible position. Parameters (node, index) are the visible slide's node and its corresponding carouselData index.
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Initial slide number to show (zero-based). If larger than the number of slides, it will cap to the final slide.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
By default, navigation stops at the ends of the slide set. Setting wrapAround to true allows navigation to wrap from one end to the other.
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Automatically transition slides, pausing on each slide for the number of milliseconds specified. When the user navigates manually, automatic playback stops.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Number of slides to advance during automatic playback.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Number of slides to advance when user navigates.
Type: Integer
Default: 10
Width of dots along bottom.
Type: Integer
Default: 5
Spacing of dots along bottom.
Type: String
Default: "white"
Navigation dot foreground color (CSS style).
Type: String
Default: "transparent"
Navigation dot background color (CSS style).
Type: Float
Default: 1.0
Navigation dot opacity (CSS style).
Type: String
CSS class to style the selected dot. This overrides the other dot* CSS options (dotWidth & dotSpacing continue to be honored).
Type: String
CSS class to style unselected dots. This overrides the other dot* CSS options (dotWidth & dotSpacing continue to be honored).
Type: String
Default: "white"
Navigation arrow fill color (CSS style).
Type: String
Default: "transparent"
Navigation arrow outline color (CSS style).
Type: String
CSS class to style dots. This overrides the other arrow* CSS options.
Public methods
Updates the slide data. This calls clearSlides() to reinitialize the slides. There is an issue with the dots not re-rendering properly.
Removes the slides.
Removes the carousel instance entirely. NOTE: Famo.us 0.5.2 has a bug causing it not to remove the DOMElement. famous-carousel removes the div.famous-dom-renderer element for now.
To build a self-contained bundles:
$ npm run build
CommonJS version (dist/famous-carousel.min.js)
global version (dist/global/famous-carousel.min.js), and global debug version (dist/global/famous-carousel.debug.js).
The global build uses the variable name famousCarousel.
To see the global version in action open browser to local port 8080/global.html after:
$ npm run example
To build optional es5 code:
$ npm install -g babel
$ npm run build-es5
Run tests (linter & style checks for now):
npm run test
Q: The arrows & dots show, but the slides are invisible.
A: famous-carousel sizes to its container's dimensions. Due to CSS box model rules, if no height is specified for the container, the default auto height computes to 0. Short answer: set a height for its parents all the way up to the root element.
Q: The slides appear from outside the containing element when animating.
A: Famous-carousel sets the container's overflow property to hidden. Check if something has overridden that property.
Q: How to center the slides?
A: Create a parent div of the container and set these properties:
.myContainersParent {
left:0; right:0;
top:0; bottom:0;
Q: The arrows/dots aren't visible [against a white background].
A: dotBackColor and arrowOutlineColor default to transparent. Set them to a different color.
Q: The slides are shifted down and to the right.
A: The selector element must not have any padding. The work-around for this Famous engine bug is to wrap the selector element in a container element which has the padding. Remove all padding from the selector element. See example/index.html for... an example.
Q: Safari allows the user to vertically drag the page. How do I stop that?
A: Touch events on the body must be disabled. A ready to use solution is iNoBounce.
To Do
Pull requests are welcome. When submitting a PR, please make sure npm run test passes.
- Unit tests.
- Add exit transition.
- Add more user-configurable options such as slide transitions, nav arrow images...
- Option to auto-hide navigation arrows & dots.
- Navigate by clicking on dots.
- Auto start/stop videos in slides.
- Option for vertical scrolling.
- Support CSS class for slides?
This project is based on the Famo.us Carousel tutorial and bound by the same MIT license. Refer to the LICENSE file.