A design pattern that decouples modules using the mediator pattern.
Getting started
Install using bower or npm
bower install famous-mediator
npm install famous-mediator
Use the mediator pattern to decouple modules
- Promotes clean, reusable modules
- Clear seperation of concerns - no more sneaky business logic in your templates!
- Is the perfect place for hacks, experiments, monkey-patches and workarounds. And because all of your "bad" code is in the Mediators, your actual code base stays clean! (True story!)
Imagine you have a router
module and a pages
1. Router.js - just tracks navigation and doesn't know about other modules
function Router(){
this.name = 'router';
2. PageController.js - just displays pages but doesn't know how to route & navigate!
function PageController(){
this.name = 'pages';
PageController.prototype.onLinkClick = function(event) {
3. RouteMediator.js - couples the router and pages together!
var Mediator = require('famous-mediator');
The idea is to write Mediator singletons that couple modules together by:
- Listen to events from one module, or listen to global events.
- Call public API of another module
Step 1: Create modules
The Famo.us Engine is used as a global eventbus to announce creation of modules. If you want to register a module, simple add to your constructor function:
A module MUST have a name to be registered. This name can be found on:
- this.options.id = 'myCoolModule'
- this.options.name = 'myCoolModule'
- this.id = 'myCoolModule'
- this.name = 'myCoolModule'
I am using the Engine
so that this Mediator
module becomes an optional dependency. This enables component authors to facilitate a meditator pattern without enforcing this pattern on all users.
Step 2: Couple modules
The module with the name myCoolModule
is accessible using Mediator.ready(moduleArray,readyCallback)
var Mediator = require('famous-mediator');
Mediator.ready(['myCoolModule'],function(myCoolModule){ .... });
You can also mediate using global events and Mediator.on(eventName,moduleArray,eventcallback)
// in PageController.js
// in RouterMediator.js
As you can see, you can specify a module array to ensure modules are ready.
Use global events where you can
- If there is only a single instance of the module
- If the context of the module is not important
Example: A 'navigate' or 'tweet' event doesn't care about its sender or context
Counter example: A 'click' event might mean different things depending on its context (surface).
Write multiple mediators
Write mediators for routing, error handling, data-flow, etc. This makes it easier to maintain your software. (i.e. when you decide to switch from an REST API to Firebase, you can simply rewrite the data mediator)
If you hack, hack in the mediators
Keep your codebase clean and only add hacks in your mediators.
- Mediators are application-specific and have little code. They are by definition not re-usable (because they couple). This makes it the perfect place to write hacks (which is usually highly app-specific code).
- Mediators are high-level which make them safer to hack. When you tweak/modify/hack low-level code, you risk regression bugs and breaking everything that depends on it.
0.2.0 (1/10/2014)
- Added
and Mediator.on
- Updated README.
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© 2014 - Mark Marijnissen