A library used to warmup fastify server before call .listen()
how to use
function fastifyWarmup(fastify: FastifyInstance, conf: WarmupConf): void
quick start
npm i fastify-warmup
import fastify from 'fastify';
import {fastifyWarmup} from 'fastify-warmup';
const app = fastify({logger: true});
(async () => {
app.get('/a', async (req, rep) => {
app.get('/b', async (req, rep) => {
await fastifyWarmup(app, {
warmupData: {
'/a': ['a'],
'/b': 'b.json'
basePath: 'path/to/warmupBasePath'
const address = await app.listen(3001);
interface WarmupConf {
warmupData: Record<string, string[] | string>;
maxConcurrent?: number;
timeout?: number;
basePath: string;
The key of warmupData
is the request url.
the Value of warmupData
can be a string or string[], which can represents:
- A folder. will load a the files with extension
in that folder. - A file. must be end with .json
the .json file, which is the warmup data, can be:
"method": "get" | "post" | ...;
"query": Object;
"payload": Object;
"headers": Object;
"cookies": Object;