el | CSS3 Selector/JavaScript DOM element/jQuery DOM element | - | "#container" | component container |
cache | boolean | false | true | whether or not to use FENIX bridge cache |
perPage | string | 10 | 20 | How many results to show per page |
actions | Array of string | ['select'] | ['select', 'metadata', 'view', 'download'] | The action button aside of each result |
excludedAction | object | {
dataset : [],
geographic : ['download']
| {
dataset : ['download'],
geographic : []
| Keyset is the enumeration of FENIX resource representation type. Value: array of string with the resultActions to exclude for a specific resource representation type. |
menuExcludedItems | Array of string | [] | ['accessibility'] | Ids of menu items to hide fro default configuration |
searchTimeoutInterval | number | 1000 | 2000 | Result refresh timeout for instant search |
dateFormat | string | 'YYYY MMM DD' | 'YYYY M DD' | Moment JS date format |
hideCloseButton | boolean | false | true | Hide the close button |
columns | object | title: {
path : "title",
type: "i18n"
source : {
path : "contacts",
type : "source"
last_update : {
path : "meMaintenance.seUpdate.updateDate",
type : "epoch"
region : {
path: "meContent.seCoverage.coverageGeographic",
type: "code"
resourceType : {
path: "meContent.resourceRepresentationType"
| - | Keyset: columns is, value: object. path: FENIX metadata v2.0 path of the metadata attribute to show. Type: attribute type |
findServiceParams | object | {
full: true,
order : "meMaintenance.seUpdate.updateDate:desc" //order by last update
| - | D3P compatible string parameters |
defaultSelectors | Array of selector id | ['resourceType', 'contextSystem']
| ['resourceType'] | Id of the default selectors of the catalog. Id are accessible from the selectors registry. |
environment | string | 'develop'
| 'production' | Server environment |
lang | string | 'EN' | 'FR' | Multilingual |
pluginRegistry | Object | check `fx-catalog/config/pluginRegistry.js` | - | Expandable available selectors registry |
langFallbackOrder | Array of language | ["EN", "FR", "ES", "AR", "PR"] | ["AR", "FR", "EN", "ES", "PR"] | Whenever a multi-language label is used, in case the UI-language label is not available this is the language fallback order. |