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A WHATWG fetch helper. WHATWG's fetch is very modern. Simple name, uses Promise, options object. But it designed as a low level API.
Developers have to deal with some detail. ex: Post parameter serialize, transform response JSON to JavaScript object.
So here is the fetch-er to help you deal with these stuff. Inspired by jQuery.ajax.
Because of ECMAScript Promise can't resolve two values. There is no good way to send response object back.
One solution is send an object with the sructure:
This is simpler structure for ES6's destructor.
fetcher.get('/api/users', null, {dataType: 'json'}).then( ... )
fetcher.getJSON('/api/users').then( ... )
fetcher.post('/api/users', {name: 'John'}).then( ... )
fetcher.put('/api/users', {name: 'Wick'}).then( ... )
fetcher.delete( '/api/users/23').then( ... )