Working on an experimental new design? Starting a closed beta? Rolling out a new feature over the next few weeks? Fa-fa-fa-flip it! fflip gives you complete control over releasing new functionality to your users, based on thier user id, join date, paid status, and whatever else you can think of. fflip's goal is to be the most extendable and customizable feature flipping/toggling module out there.
- Create a list of criteria to test your users against
- Describe features as a list of criteria, using easy-to-read json
- Write it all to file, or load it Syncronous/Asyncronous from a database
- *Everything*-Agnostic: Supports any database, user representation or framework you can throw at it
Install with:
npm install fflip
##Getting Started
Criteria are the rules that features can test users against. Each rule takes a user and a data argument to test against, and returns true/false if the user matches that criteria. The data argument can be any type, as long as you handle it correctly in the function you describe.
var ExampleCriteria = {
isPaidUser: function(user, isPaid) {
return user.isPaid == isPaid;
percentageOfUsers: function(user, percent) {
return (user.id % 100 < percent * 100);
allowUserIDs: function(user, idArr) {
for(var id in idArr) {
if(user.id == idArr[id]) return true;
return false;
Features are sets of criteria to test users against. A user will have a featured enabled if they match all listed criteria, otherwise the feature is disabled. Features are described as follows:
var ExampleFeatures = {
paidFeature: {
isPaidUser: true
closedBeta: {
allowUserIDs: [20,30,80,181],
newFeatureRollout: {
isPaidUser: false,
percentageOfUsers: 0.50,
###Basic Usage
var fflip = require('fflip');
criteria: ExampleCriteria,
features: ExampleFeatures
var freeUser = {
id: 80,
isPaid: false,
var Features = fflip.featuresForUser(freeUser);
if(Features.closedBeta) {
console.log('Welcome to the Closed Beta!');
criteria: {},
features: {},
reload: 30,
##Advanced Usage
###Extending Your User Object
var paidUser = {
id: 30,
isPaid: false,
hasFeature: function(feature) { return fflip.userHasFeature(paidUser, feature); },
if(paidUser.hasFeature('newFeatureRollout')) {
###Features & Criteria Functions
fflip also accepts functions for loading criteria and features. If fflip is passed a funciton with no arguments it will call the function and accept the return value. To load asyncronously, pass a function that sends a features/criteria data object to a callback. fflip will recieve the callback and set the object accordingly. Set the reload option to refresh the data every X seconds by calling these functions.
var getCriteriaSync = function() {
var collection = db.collection('criteria');
var criteriaArr = collection.find().toArray();
return criteriaObj;
var getFeaturesAsync = function(fflip_callback) {
var collection = db.collection('features');
collection.find().toArray(function(err, featuresArr) {
criteria: getCriteriaSync,
features: getFeaturesAsync,
reload: 60
##Special Thanks
Switch designed by Rob Schill from The Noun Project