An Express router for a nodejs+MongoDB FHIR server.
Provides a RESTful API that partially implements the FHIR DSTU 1 proposal.
Service configuration is defined using a Conformance resource.
The server performs only trivial validation - if you post well-formed resources then you can read well-formed resources!
Node.js 10+, MongoDB 2.6+
To install fhirball:
$ npm install fhirball
$ npm install express
To use fhirball create a javascript file and reference express and fhirball packages:
var express = require('express');
var fhirball = require('fhirball');
Declare the conformance statement for the server. The conformance statement is parsed on startup and used to generate
resource interactions and searches. SearchParams use extensions to define
the document paths to be searched and whether an index should be created to support the search. For example, to create
a Master Patient Index with basic audit capability:
var conformance = {
resourceType: 'Conformance',
publisher: 'Fhirball',
date: new Date(),
software: {
name: 'fhirball',
version: '0.0.7'
implementation: {
description: 'Master Patient Index service',
url: ''
fhirVersion: '0.0.82',
rest: [
mode: 'server',
resource: [
type: 'Patient',
operation: [
{code: 'read'},
{code: 'vread'},
{code: 'update'},
{code: 'delete'},
{code: 'history-instance'},
{code: 'create'},
{code: 'history-type'},
{code: 'search-type'}
searchParam: [
name: 'birthdate',
type: 'date',
documentation: 'The patient\'s date of birth',
extension: [
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-path',
valueString: 'Patient.birthDate'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-contentType',
valueString: 'date'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-index',
valueBoolean: true
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
documentation: 'A portion of the family name of the patient. Case-sensitive.',
extension: [
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-path',
valueString: 'Patient.name'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-contentType',
valueString: 'HumanName'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-index',
valueBoolean: true
name: 'identifier',
type: 'token',
documentation: 'A patient identifier',
extension: [
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-path',
valueString: 'Patient.identifier'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-contentType',
valueString: 'Identifier'
url: 'http://fhirball.com/fhir/Conformance#search-index',
valueBoolean: true
type: 'SecurityEvent',
operation: [
{code: 'read'},
{code: 'create'},
{code: 'search-type'}
searchParam: [
Declare fhirball options, a mongodb connection string, the conformance statement and the content-type (currently must
be application/json)
var options = {
db: 'mongodb://localhost/fhirball-demo',
conformance: conformance,
'content-type': 'application/json'
Create and start app using fhirball router to provide FHIR api:
var app = express();
app.use('/fhir/', new fhirball.Router(options));
//start the app
console.log(conformance.implementation.description,'listening for requests on port 1337');
To execute unit tests:
npm install
mocha --recursive ./test/spec
To execute integration tests, performing CRUD operations on each sample resource:
mocha --recursive ./test/e2e
Integration tests assume a mongod instance running on localhost.
Copyright 2014-2015, 2020 Black Pear Software Ltd.
This material contains content from HL7. Unless otherwise noted in the filename, sample FHIR resources in
test/e2e/data are © HL7.org 2011+ and used under license (http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/license.html)
fhirball is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
fhirball is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Supported by Black Pear Software
Additional contributions from freshEHR