![Node.js CI](https://github.com/jman717/QueueObj/actions/workflows/node.js.yml/badge.svg)
Queue javascript objects dynamically then process the queue according to the appender. All appenders are handled synchronously.
Included tag appenders:
files - See if inputed files exists.
all - process all added objects.
top_one - process only the object in the 0(zero) position of the process array.
bottom_one - process only the object in the last position of the process array.
func_all - process custom function names in created objects. Custom processing names can be used in any appender, this is just one example.
status - queue and process all objects by status.
name - queue and process all objects by name.
version - queue and process all objects by version.
json_all - process a class object per json input array variables.
json_top_one - process a class object per the first json input array variable.
json_bottom_one - process a class object per the last json input array variable.
json_func_all - process custom function names in created objects. Custom processing names can be used in any json appender, this is just one example.
json_status - queue and process all objects by status.
json_name - queue and process all objects by name.
json_version - queue and process all objects by version.
Mocha Test
npm test
General Setup Test
npm run test_files
npm run test_all
npm run test_top_one
npm run test_bottom_one
npm run test_func_all
npm run test_status_matching
npm run test_status_non_matching
npm run test_name_matching
npm run test_name_non_matching
npm run test_version_matching
npm run test_version_non_matching
npm run test_json_all
npm run test_json_top_one
npm run test_json_bottom_one
npm run test_json_func_all
npm run test_json_status_matching
npm run test_json_status_non_matching
npm run test_json_version_matching
npm run test_json_version_non_matching
npm run test_json_name_matching
npm run test_json_name_non_matching
var queue = require("queueobj");
var tst1 = class test1 {
constructor(props) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test1.constructor"
t.log = props.log
t.id = props.id
process(callback) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test1.process"
t.log({ msg: `This object (${fname}) is id (${t.id}). Do stuff here`.bgBrightGreen, type: "info" })
callback({ success: { msg: `processing all test1` } })
var tst2 = class test2 {
constructor(props) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test2.constructor"
t.log = props.log
t.id = props.id
process(callback) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test2.process"
t.log({ msg: `This object (${fname}) is id (${t.id}). Do stuff here`.bgBrightGreen, type: "info" })
setTimeout(() => {
callback({ success: { msg: `processing all test2` } })
}, 4000)
var tst3 = class test3 {
constructor(props) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test3.constructor"
t.log = props.log
t.id = props.id
process(callback) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test3.process"
t.log({ msg: `This object (${fname}) is id (${t.id}). Do stuff here`.bgBrightGreen, type: "info" })
callback({ error: { msg: `there is some problem thrown here on test3` } })
var tst4 = class test4 {
constructor(props) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test4.constructor"
t.log = props.log
t.id = props.id
process(callback) {
let t = this, fname = "test_all.test4.process"
t.log({ msg: `This object (${fname}) is id (${t.id}). Do stuff here`.bgBrightGreen, type: "info" })
callback({ success: { msg: `processing all test4` } })
var qObj = new queue()
appender: "all",
exclude_logMsg: ["debug"],
process_objects: [tst1, tst2, tst3, tst4]
}).then((success) => {
qObj.logMsg({ msg: `test success: {msg: "all objects processed with no errors"}`.success.italic.bold, type: "success" })
}, (error) => {
if (typeof error == "string") {
qObj.logMsg({ msg: `error: ${error}`.error.italic.bold, type: "error" })
} else {
let add_s = (error.error_count > 1) ? 's' : ''
qObj.logMsg({ msg: `${error.error_count} error${add_s} detected`.error.italic.bold, type: "error" })