Bolt Compiler
Bolt is an experimental security and rules compiler for Firebase. It is currently
in early alpha. There are known bugs and incomplete features in the current
implementation, so PLEASE DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION applications.
Otherwise, we'd love to have feedback from early adopters. You can email questions
to using "Bolt" in the subject line.
Language Definition
Developing with this Repo
You should have node.js and npm installed to use this repository.
Setup command line environment and lint, build, test.
$ source tools/use
$ configure-project
$ gulp
Useful commands
Check JavaScript source files for required formatting conventions:
$ gulp lint
Build Bolt parser from PEG grammar:
$ gulp build
Run command line tests:
$ gulp test
Run browser-based tests:
$ browser-tests
Execute a Bolt compiler from the command line:
$ firebase-bolt < <bolt-file>
A Firebase JSON file is sent to standard output.