Mock Firestore
Jest Mock for testing Google Cloud Firestore
A simple way to mock calls to Cloud Firestore, allowing you to assert that you are requesting data correctly.
This is not a pseudo-database -- it is only for testing you are interfacing with firebase/firestore the way you expect.
This library is NOT feature complete with all available methods exposed by Firestore.
Small, easy to grok pull requests are welcome, but please note that there is no official roadmap for making this library fully featured.
Table of Contents
What's in the Box
This library provides an easy to use mocked version of firestore.
With npm:
npm install --save-dev firestore-jest-mock
With yarn:
yarn add --dev firestore-jest-mock
The default method to use is mockFirebase
, which returns a jest mock, overwriting firebase
and firebase-admin
. It accepts an object with two pieces:
-- A mock of your collectionscurrentUser
-- (optional) overwrites the currently logged in user
Example usage:
const { mockFirebase } = require('firestore-jest-mock');
database: {
users: [
{ id: 'abc123', name: 'Homer Simpson' },
{ id: 'abc456', name: 'Lisa Simpson' },
posts: [{ id: '123abc', title: 'Really cool title' }],
This will populate a fake database with a users
and posts
Now you can write queries or requests for data just as you would with firestore:
test('testing stuff', () => {
const firebase = require('firebase');
const db = firebase.firestore();
.then(userDocs => {
What would you want to test?
The job of the this library is not to test firestore, but to allow you to test your code without hitting firebase.
Take this example:
function maybeGetUsersInState(state) {
const query = firestore.collection('users');
if (state) {
query = query.where('state', '==', state);
return query.get();
We have a conditional query here. If you pass state
to this function, we will query against it; otherwise, we just get all of the users. So, you may want to write a test that ensures you are querying correctly:
const { mockFirebase } = require('firestore-jest-mock');
const { mockCollection, mockWhere } = require('firestore-jest-mock/mocks/firestore');
describe('we can query', () => {
database: {
users: [
{ id: 'abc123', name: 'Homer Simpson' },
{ id: 'abc456', name: 'Lisa Simpson' },
test('query with state', async () => {
await maybeGetUsersInState('alabama');
expect(mockWhere).toHaveBeenCalledWith('state', '==', 'alabama');
test('no state', async () => {
await maybeGetUsersInState();
In this test, we don't necessarily care what gets returned from firestore (it's not our job to test firestore), but instead we try to assert that we built our query correctly.
If I pass a state to this function, does it properly query the users
That's what we want to answer.
Don't forget to reset your mocks
In jest, mocks will not reset between test instances unless you specify them to.
This can be an issue if you have two tests that make an asseration against something like mockCollection
If you call it in one test and assert that it was called in another test, you may get a false positive.
Luckily, jest offers a few methods to reset or clear your mocks.
- clearAllMocks() clears all the calls for all of your mocks. It's good to run this in a
to reset between each test
I wrote a where clause, but all the records were returned!
The where
clause in the mocked firestore will not actually filter the data at all.
We are not recreating firestore in this mock, just exposing an API that allows us to write assertions.
It is also not the job of the developer (you) to test that firestore filtered the data appropriately.
Your application doesn't double-check firestore's response -- it trusts that it's always correct!
Functions you can test
Method | Use | Method in Firestore |
mockCollection | Assert the correct collection is being queried | collection |
mockCollectionGroup | Assert the correct collectionGroup is being queried | collectionGroup |
mockDoc | Assert the correct record is being fetched by id. Tells the mock you are fetching a single record | doc |
mockWhere | Assert the correct query is written. Tells the mock you are fetching multiple records | where |
mockBatch | Assert batch was called | batch |
mockBatchDelete | Assert correct refs are passed | batch delete |
mockBatchCommit | Assert commit is called. Returns a promise | batch commit |
mockGet | Assert get is called. Returns a promise resolving either to a single doc or querySnapshot | get |
mockGetAll | Assert correct refs are passed. Returns a promise resolving to array of docs. | getAll |
mockUpdate | Assert correct params are passed to update. Returns a promise | update |
mockAdd | Assert correct params are passed to add. Returns a promise resolving to the doc with new id | add |
mockSet | Assert correct params are passed to set. Returns a promise | set |
mockDelete | Assert delete is called on ref. Returns a promise | delete |
mockOrderBy | Assert correct field is passed to orderBy | orderBy |
mockLimit | Assert limit is set properly | limit |
mockOffset | Assert offset is set properly | offset |
Method | Use | Method in Firestore |
mockArrayRemoveFieldValue | Assert the correct elements are removed from an array | arrayRemove |
mockArrayUnionFieldValue | Assert the correct elements are added to an array | arrayUnion |
mockDeleteFieldValue | Assert the correct fields are removed from a document | delete |
mockIncrementFieldValue | Assert a number field is incremented by the correct amount | increment |
mockServerTimestampFieldValue | Assert a server Firebase.Timestamp value will be stored | serverTimestamp |
Method | Use | Method in Firebase |
mockCreateUserWithEmailAndPassword | Assert correct email and password are passed. Returns a promise | createUserWithEmailAndPassword |
mockDeleteUser | Assert correct id is passed to delete method. Returns a promise | deleteUser |
mockSendVerificationEmail | Assert request for verification email was sent. Lives on the currentUser | sendVerificationEmail |
mockSignInWithEmailAndPassword | Assert correct email and password were passed. Returns a promise | signInWithEmailAndPassword |
mockSendPasswordResetEmail | Assert correct email was passed. | sendPasswordResetEmail |
mockVerifyIdToken | Assert correct token is passed. Returns a promise | verifyIdToken |
We welcome all contributions to our projects! Filing bugs, feature requests, code changes, docs changes, or anything else you'd like to contribute are all more than welcome! More information about contributing can be found in the contributing guidelines.
To get set up, simply clone this repository and npm install
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