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Interval Tree implementation as it is described in Cormen et al. (2009, Section 14.3: Interval trees, pp. 348–354).
npm install flatten-interval-tree -save
let IntervalTree = require('flatten-interval-tree');
API Reference
Create new instance of interval tree
let tree = new IntervalTree();
Insert(key, value)
Insert new item into the tree. Key is and interval object or an array of [low, high] numeric values.
Value may represent any value or refer to any object. If value omitted, tree will store and retrieve keys only.
If key is an object, it should expose low and high properties and implement the following methods:
less_than, equal_to, intersect, clone, output, maximal_val, val_less_than.
Method returns reference to the inserted node
let node = tree.insert(key, value);
Method returns true if entry {key, value} exists in the tree.
Method may be useful if need to support unique items.
let exist = tree.exist(key,value);
Remove(key, value)
Removes item from the tree. Returns true if item was actually deleted, false if not found
let removed = tree.remove(key, value);
Returns array of values which keys intersected with given interval.
If tree stores only keys with no values, search returns array of keys which intersect given interval
let resp = tree.search(interval);
Size (getter)
Returns number of items stored in the tree
let size = tree.size;
Enables to traverse the whole tree and perform operation for each item
tree.forEach( (key, value) => console.log(value) )
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.