What is flow-bin?
The flow-bin npm package provides a command-line interface for Flow, a static type checker for JavaScript. Flow helps developers catch common errors early by adding type annotations to JavaScript code.
What are flow-bin's main functionalities?
Type Checking
Flow can be used to add type annotations to JavaScript functions and variables, which helps catch type errors during development.
/* @flow */
function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
add(1, 2); // No error
add('1', '2'); // Error: string is incompatible with number
Type Inference
Flow can infer types even if they are not explicitly annotated, providing type safety without requiring extensive type annotations.
/* @flow */
function square(n) {
return n * n;
square(2); // No error
square('2'); // Error: string is incompatible with number
Type Definitions
Flow allows you to import and use type definitions from other files, making it easier to manage and reuse types across a project.
/* @flow */
import type { User } from './types';
function getUser(id: number): User {
// Implementation
Other packages similar to flow-bin
TypeScript is a popular static type checker for JavaScript developed by Microsoft. It offers a superset of JavaScript with optional static types, and it has a large ecosystem and community support. Unlike Flow, TypeScript requires a compilation step to convert TypeScript code into JavaScript.
PropTypes is a library for runtime type checking of React props. It is less comprehensive than Flow or TypeScript as it only checks types at runtime and is specifically designed for React components. It does not provide the same level of static analysis and type inference as Flow.
ESLint plugin for Flow type annotations. It provides linting rules for Flow type annotations, helping to enforce consistent style and catch potential issues. It complements Flow by integrating type checking into the ESLint workflow.
Binary wrapper for Flow - A static type checker for JavaScript
Only OS X and Linux (64-bit) binaries are currently provided.
$ npm install --global flow-bin
$ flow --help
$ npm install --save flow-bin
const execFile = require('child_process').execFile;
const flow = require('flow-bin');
execFile(flow, ['check'], (err, stdout) => {
flow-bin is BSD-licensed. We also provide an additional patent grant.