What is flow-remove-types?
The flow-remove-types npm package is a tool designed to strip Flow type annotations from JavaScript code. This is useful for projects that use Flow for type checking but need to remove the type annotations for production builds or for compatibility with environments that do not support Flow.
What are flow-remove-types's main functionalities?
Remove Flow Types from JavaScript Code
This feature allows you to remove Flow type annotations from a string of JavaScript code. The input code contains Flow type annotations, and the output will be the same code without the type annotations.
const flowRemoveTypes = require('flow-remove-types');
const input = '/* @flow */\nfunction square(n: number): number {\n return n * n;\n}';
const output = flowRemoveTypes(input);
Remove Flow Types from Files
This feature allows you to remove Flow type annotations from a JavaScript file. The input file contains Flow type annotations, and the output file will be the same code without the type annotations.
const fs = require('fs');
const flowRemoveTypes = require('flow-remove-types');
const inputFilePath = 'path/to/input.js';
const outputFilePath = 'path/to/output.js';
const inputCode = fs.readFileSync(inputFilePath, 'utf8');
const output = flowRemoveTypes(inputCode);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, output.toString());
Other packages similar to flow-remove-types
babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types is a Babel plugin that removes Flow type annotations from JavaScript code. It integrates with the Babel ecosystem, making it a good choice for projects that already use Babel for transpilation. Compared to flow-remove-types, this plugin is more suitable for projects that use Babel as part of their build process.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types. While it is not a direct replacement for Flow, it provides similar type-checking capabilities. TypeScript has its own compiler that removes type annotations, similar to how flow-remove-types works for Flow. However, adopting TypeScript usually involves a more significant change to the codebase compared to using Flow.
Turn your JavaScript with Flow type annotations into
standard JavaScript in an instant with no configuration and minimal setup.
Flow provides static type checking to JavaScript which
can both help find and detect bugs long before code is deployed and can make
code easier to read and more self-documenting. The Flow tool itself only reads
and analyzes code. Running code with Flow type annotations requires first
removing the annotations which are non-standard JavaScript. Typically this is
done via adding a plugin to your Babel configuration,
however Babel may be overkill if you're only targetting modern versions of
Node.js or just not using the modern ES2015 features that may not be in
every browser.
is a faster, simpler, zero-configuration alternative with
minimal dependencies for super-fast npm install
Get Started!
Use the command line:
npm install --global flow-remove-types
flow-remove-types --help
flow-remove-types input.js > output.js
Or the JavaScript API:
npm install flow-remove-types
var flowRemoveTypes = require('flow-remove-types');
var fs = require('fs');
var input = fs.readFileSync('input.js', 'utf8');
var output = flowRemoveTypes(input);
fs.writeFileSync('output.js', output);
Dead-Simple Transforms
When flow-remove-types
removes Flow types, it replaces them with whitespace.
This ensures that the transformed output has exactly the same number of lines
and characters and that all character offsets remain the same. This removes the
need for sourcemaps, maintains legible output, and ensures that it is super easy
to include flow-remove-types
at any point in your existing build tools.
Built atop the excellent babylon
shares the same parse rules as the source of truth as
Flow Babel plugins. It also passes through other common non-standard syntax such
as JSX and experimental ECMAScript proposals.
import SomeClass from 'some-module'
import type { SomeInterface } from 'some-module'
export class MyClass<T> extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {
value: T
constructor(value: T) {
this.value = value
get(): T {
return this.value
import SomeClass from 'some-module'
export class MyClass extends SomeClass {
constructor(value ) {
this.value = value
get() {
return this.value
Use in Build Systems:
Rollup: rollup-plugin-flow